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Yeah, you can borrow my TRS80 if you want but be careful with the tape deck, these things are expensive you know! :lol:

Ok, ok, point taken. I must admit that I haven't been around Macs for some years, so maybe my opinion is a little outdated.

Perhaps familiarity breeds contempt (for the other brand) as I'm extremely familiar and comfortable with PC's.

Objection withdrawn until someone with more experience comes along and gives REAL reasons, and then I'll say, "See? I told you so!" :lol:

is this the same David Lutz that has a hard drive sitting on top of his computer with a fan aimed at it because it is too hot to go into the computer and attempted to fry itself? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cheers Hawkeye

PS: Isn't MSCE a 1600 page book on how to play minesweeper? :lol:
Edan2000 said:
No need to load up 4 OS's on a Mac and why would you??? Can any one tell me the logic of having Win 2000, personal, professional, Win XP, home, professional (not to mention OEM versions!)

Who said anything about Windows? There is only very few versions of Linux that will run on a Mac, and even then, you need to compile all your binaries because RPMs just aren't readily available.

Mac hardware is inferior in terms of raw speed. The processing power is continually below that of an Intel or AMD system.

And who said PC's weren't stable.

Firewall Uptime (Smoothwall): ~90 days (Since I first booted it)
Main PC Uptime (Windows XP): ~14 days (Since I took it to a friend's house)
Linux Box Uptime (Red Hat 8): ~7 days (Since latest Kernal update)

I think that is pretty good myself.
Mac PB G4 2 years since upgrading to OSX (with 3 further upgrades to OS X.2.3) not one crash or reboot.

I think Mac won that battle :lol:

Isn't linux and OSX both just UNIX variants???? Why can't we just all get along with each other :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Cheers Hawkeye

PS: I just like a computer where the hardware and OS are made by the same seems like a good idea don't you think?

Yes, Hawks, that's me! But that's a failure of the hard disk, not the PC! :wink:

Problems on a hard disk controller sometimes present themselves when the HDD temperature rises, even to normal operating temps. Keeping the hard disk cooler extends the time for me to get a new one and copy the data across. I'm sure Mac HDD's are not immune to failure! :wink: :lol:
Mac hardware is inferior in terms of raw speed. The processing power is continually below that of an Intel or AMD system.

SJ - Mac PPC processors measure their clock speed in one direction of the bus - it's true speed equates to around double what's quoted compared to a PC. I have never seen a single benchmark where an AMD, Intel processor etc isn't beaten by at least 30% by a slower Mac processor across all functions. To show you an extreeme, a G4 800MHZ Mac kicks the butt of a 2ghz P4 in almost everything.
Oh Dear SJ, :oops: :oops: :oops:

You really put your foot in it. Mhz is not a good way of judging the speed of a Mac.

Best to leave this one alone unless you have in depth experience with both Macs and PC's. Sounds like the usual PC user contempt for an OS they have never used. Mac also is a culture something you will never see in a PC. There must be a reason for such dedication and it ain't the price.

And if I want to use Linux I will happily convert my X-box into a Linux server. Xbox is $400 bucks, now that is a cheap PC, thanks Bill!

For serious number crunching power, like for instance CSIRO geographical map development ETC, you will not see a mac in the place, bar the secretary, For high end work mac's just don't cut the mustard, at home sure, it will compete but how often do you really put your box through the ringer, 100% cpu load for 10's of hours at a time, granted any Harvey Norman job wont do it either.
Software side ill leave up to others but hardware, I build high end purpose built jobs, and I wouldn't have a hope in hell competing with the big boys if I had to live within the boundarys of planet Mac.
At home PC's I look at it like amateur radio, some go out and buy a top of the line Uniden or such, but the true enthusiast will build his own, and thats something Mac cant offer, there to sort of built to plug in and go. Some see that as good, but I get a sense of achievement knowing I built what im using.
One thing I have noticed is, ACT Mac users SUCK, we had a young lady that didn't have the finance to by a new computer but had been passed on a semi dated Mac, so to point her in the right direction we took her to a Mac users club meeting, a first for us all, spoke to a few people and then she was offered advice on the model she had, she sat down at a table with this guy, and out of his pocket he pulled a clock sat it on the table and said 65 bucks and hour. We just left.....

Have to disagree with u OzDaz :). WE run a mainly Intel environment of Mac Xserve servers around 100 users or so, with a lot more success than any Sun/W2k box we've tried in the past
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