Dont give up hope, iv heard of snakes turning up months after escaping. Im sure when your not even looking for him, he will turn up.
How old is he? Your spotted, that is? And how long have you had it?
So he's been out for a couple of months?
No, about 2 weeks.
I hope he turns up and to all who think if he (or the little small eyed ) gets eaten by cats or trodden by horses, you are #@*%ing hypocrites!!!
If these animals were not brought here by us then they would not be a threat to either a spotted or a small eyed, so we owe it to them to try to do the best for them.
In 1995 if you had a catch and release permit you had to release the animal within 20 km of where you caught it, this could be bad but in your case good, find a spot vermin free.
good luck finding your snake, btw hae ypu checked everywhere that has a really small hole or opening, he/she could be in your money box etc.
I hope he turns up and to all who think if he (or the little small eyed ) gets eaten by cats or trodden by horses, you are #@*%ing hypocrites!!!
If these animals were not brought here by us then they would not be a threat to either a spotted or a small eyed, so we owe it to them to try to do the best for them.
Cat's can't frequent an area where there are no houses.... only feral-kitties.
Cat's can't frequent an area where there are no houses.... only feral-kitties.
Cat's can't frequent an area where there are no houses.... only feral-kitties.
Why not? I'll be a hundred bucks that cats don't stay in rural areas. If there's bushland behind your house, why can't they be there? Even if they have a proper home.
cats cant frequent an area with no houses?????:?
and these feral kitties you speak of dont interfere with small eyeds??