Hi, first post here, what a great site though, love reading it.
We've got two bearded dragons, about a year old, one is growing much quicker than the other so I've decided to separate them for a bit to see how the smaller one goes.
I picked up a tank on Gum Tree pretty cheap, it's a good size and all the electrics work, the thing is it stinks. The poor snake that had been in there before must have had it tough.
I've scrubbed the tank interior (painted plywood), left a packet of bicarb of soda in there for a fortnight, sprayed and scrubbed with various kitchen cleaners until there isn't a stain in there but the odour remains, not quite as bad, but it's never going to get into the house unless my wife leaves me.
Any tips on this? Will a lick of new paint solve it? Or more drastic action required?
We've got two bearded dragons, about a year old, one is growing much quicker than the other so I've decided to separate them for a bit to see how the smaller one goes.
I picked up a tank on Gum Tree pretty cheap, it's a good size and all the electrics work, the thing is it stinks. The poor snake that had been in there before must have had it tough.
I've scrubbed the tank interior (painted plywood), left a packet of bicarb of soda in there for a fortnight, sprayed and scrubbed with various kitchen cleaners until there isn't a stain in there but the odour remains, not quite as bad, but it's never going to get into the house unless my wife leaves me.
Any tips on this? Will a lick of new paint solve it? Or more drastic action required?