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I can't say that a bite from a large snake would or wouldn't be painful, but I'd imagine it wouldn't hurt anywhere near as much as a dog, or a horse. Both of which hurt a fair bit. Horse bites feel like your fingers are going to break, and you have to tap them on the nose to get them to let go. I'd say if you didn't, your fingers would break.
I went to venezuela and got bitten in the leg by a 23 foot andaconda hurt so muc by the way i am only 13 and it hurt like hell one of the leaders of our group had to pour a can of beer on the andacondas head and then it finaally let go it took about 12 minutes for him to go back to camp so i was standing crying while the other group member got a hold of ihht so it wouldnt wrap around my body buuht it was so painful worst pain i have ever felt. I didnt want to grap it and pull it off because if i did it would of lost some of its teeth and have an infection and i might of had teeth stuck on me so i was waiting there for bouut thirty minutes!!!! so painful
Yer no one brags on here referring to my friend because you guy actually probley have been bitten by a decent snake unlike my friend thinking he the toughest getting bitten by a junviniel
Yer no one brags on here referring to my friend because you guy actually probley have been bitten by a decent snake unlike my friend thinking he the toughest getting bitten by a junviniel
When I hold a real decent snake I do my best not to get bitten, so far so good but as all the stories here show it can happen to anyone careful or not.

I can't say that a bite from a large snake would or wouldn't be painful, but I'd imagine it wouldn't hurt anywhere near as much as a dog, or a horse. Both of which hurt a fair bit. Horse bites feel like your fingers are going to break, and you have to tap them on the nose to get them to let go. I'd say if you didn't, your fingers would break.
My sister has horse when one bites her she has a bruise for a week or two I agree it must hurt.

I think a good example is really a pink tongue skink, if I had a choice between one of those and say a 2 meter python I would probably take the python. Larger than 2m and I would probably take the skink.
The only part of that choice that is not comparable is it is easier not to be bitten by a skink than a python.

Most painful bite I have ever had was from a rat. They hurt.
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The thing to brag about is that you may have been bitten but you learned a very valuable lesson and avoided getting bitten ever since

If you ever want to really feel how strong any python can be just wrap one around your arm and feed it a rat
2 metre python will turn your arm black and blue
And its not you its eating
You are just the support
That’s an excellent post ssssmithy and if you don’t mind, I’d just like to emphasise some important points.

1. Despite being highly experienced and taking all due care, it only requires one small momentary miscalculation for you to be caught out. So never think it won’t happen to me because I am too careful.
2. Whenever accessing the enclosure or handling of dangerous elapids or large pythons, never do so alone.
3. To remove a snake that is biting and won’t let go, immerse it in water.
Plus one fro me:

  1. Never let the head of a medium to large python come within striking distance of your face.


Thanks buddy, its just a step in keeping any large python no to get complacent. not that i was,just didnt think she would launch 2mtres to get me. got to love scrubbies :) and yes i keep quite alot of scrubs and large carpets and always have someone else to stand by when im handling them. smit.
Well i just goot cracked a pearler, wasn't expecting it and he was a fair distance away on my lap while sitting up watching tv. his name is PMS for a very fitting reason. he jumped up and got me less then a cm then my eye luckily out of instinct i blinked. But damn this one actually hurt only bled a little and given he's only a about 90cm-1m i didn't think i would have anything to worry about silly me. feels like i was punched in the eye. had a bit of a hit to it. heres the pic so just a warning be very careful when handling little cranky pants as someone said the other day it can happen to anyone. not the prettiest pictue im growing my winter coat and have had hayfever all day haha

I very stupidly did something one day that resulted in a feeding bite from a retic over 5 metres long
Cleaning out newly empty rat cages
Must have wiped hands on my head as it was a stinking hot day and I was sweating like a pig
Washed hands and changed before walking into the display
Retic was sitting on top of her viv about 5ft above ground with about 1 metre out of her hide up there
Hit back of my head and started to wrap and lift me
Got a hand up in front of my face and that stopped her choking me but dislocated my arm
Stood on another low viv and pushed back hard as I could to stop any more coming out of the hide so she couldnt wrap me up any more
Retic let go after far too long and just unwrapped my arm as well and proceeded to ignore me like nothing had happened
Power of that snake was unbelievable when in feeding mode

Now no snakes over 3metres are allowed out unless 3 staff are present
That retic was before and still is an absolute pussy cat and plays with kids a couple of times each week
We often take her schools for educational talks

That's insane!

Well i just goot cracked a pearler, wasn't expecting it and he was a fair distance away on my lap while sitting up watching tv. his name is PMS for a very fitting reason. he jumped up and got me less then a cm then my eye luckily out of instinct i blinked. But damn this one actually hurt only bled a little and given he's only a about 90cm-1m i didn't think i would have anything to worry about silly me. feels like i was punched in the eye. had a bit of a hit to it. heres the pic so just a warning be very careful when handling little cranky pants as someone said the other day it can happen to anyone. not the prettiest pictue im growing my winter coat and have had hayfever all day haha

View attachment 204774

Ouch! What kind of snake?
geck do you have a pic of this coastal youre not sure about? im curious to see if he looks anything like mine...
I got bitten in high school by a decent diamond. A few mates and I went for a drive at lunchtime cause I had just got my P's and ended up bushwalking down a creek. A nice diamond about 6ft came swimming across the creek so I scooped it up as it got to our side. I was showing my friends when it lunged at my face luckily missing and I put it down. Stupidly went to pick it up again and it nailed me on the right hand! 32 puncher wounds across 3 of my fingers! Hurt a bit, not too bad but man did it bleed! I had my hand wrapped up for a good hour till it stopped got the funniest looks from my classmates when we got back from lunch! :D I'm glad it happened it made me less scared of being bitten and also gave me a lot more respect for them.
Ive been tagged more than a few times.
Some of the biggest hits Ive copped is from a 11 foot Coastal, 7 foot BHP, 7 foot Olive and a mates 4 foot Salt Water Croc.

I couldnt imagine what it would be like being nailed by a 5 meter retic like longqi, that is just insane.
Your very lucky to get away longqi.
7ft darwin has been my nastiest thus far, not a huge snake but she packed a punch with the bite, smashed my wrist so lotsa blood, then crazy bruising and swelling the following day.
I try not to get bitten by anything, but when I do I try and find a camera :p (old phone camera in this case)

This is one of those nice natured Bredls pythons you keep hearing about :lol:




Ouch Timantula!!!!! :shock:
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best ive had is one from a 6 foot diamond, just a tag on the back of my hand, wrapping or anything, bloody hurts on the bone!
that one bruised for 2-3 weeks and took over a month to mostly disappear,...

i copped a feeding bite (complete with coiling) from my bredli when he was 6.5 foot, got me in the nice fleshy part of the forearm,, hardly bruised, bled a bit tho, heaps less painful that the diamond bite on bone,...
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