I have to tell you, I was blown away how tiny he was. A relatively small python looked huge when he was holding it.
Little in size maybe but huge in enthusiasm.
he’s met there by this slightly built female vet, who casually pulls the snake out, gently pins it, heads it, places the main body between her knees for control and give it a ;
I agree gozz I think alot of people deep down envy these lucky few who get to show their passion for herps on tv, but are quick to bag them out to boost their egos!! I dont rate it as a great show or an informative show, I watch it purely because I love anythig to do with reptiles!! Instead of bagging the guy out behind his back on here maybe giving the producers of the show some constructive critisism would be better, as they can then pass the public opinion to Bruce!!!Good on the guys that make these programs,
Some of you guys that bag them out coulnd do a program any
better. As the genral public would be bored to tears watching.
I dont see the point in bagging the people in our great hobby
we should be behind them. I guess most people here on our site
know way more than these guys buy reading and sitting in front
of a key board. I will enjoy watching the future Reptile programs.
Totally agree, I would love to see aps people try and host a tv program with their lack of personality!! Imagine tv without the likes of Steve Irwin or Austin Stevens, very boring, I saw a great episode of Austin Stevens with a king cobra which is one of the best herp related tv programs I have ever seen!!its the great APS knocking machine every time there is a show on reptiles on tv someone will bag it as rubbish as everyone here knows way more than everyone else
I agree gozz I think alot of people deep down envy these lucky few who get to show their passion for herps on tv, but are quick to bag them out to boost their egos!! I dont rate it as a great show or an informative show, I watch it purely because I love anythig to do with reptiles!! Instead of bagging the guy out behind his back on here maybe giving the producers of the show some constructive critisism would be better, as they can then pass the public opinion to Bruce!!!
I'll do that Thanks
The fact is, regardless of what animals they have on the show, the host doesn't cut it IMO. That's all I'm stating. I couldn't give a crap if I said it to his face, doesn't worry me in the least. The other fact is I for one have no ego on here, I personally don't claim to know everything that should be known about the hobby, not even close. But if that limited knowledge is all I need to make me a critic then dear old Bruce has a few problems :lol: I wouldn't use the word 'envy' either...pity might come close 8)
Even Austin Stevens makes him look good ......I mean brilliant! :lol:
Imagine tv without the likes of Steve Irwin or Austin Stevens, very boring, QUOTE]
Sounds good to me, more time for educational shows.
Anyone catch the episode on today, the one in Melbourne with all the exotics and poaching ect... What a beautiful Olive he got in that rescue, I want one just like it with that bright yellow belly