Snake eggs - what went wrong. :(

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Mar 15, 2011
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Hi guys,
I have received my first two eastern carpet pythons, the gentleman had assured me they are both males and have lived happy together for years. they have been living happy together and I find out that they are actuality male and female and she has laid a clutch of eggs. I was really excited but thought that I would take 3 and see if I can hatch them and I left the rest with her even though the enclosure dose not have the right humidity.
They are due to hatch on the 12 of march and they look really bad, I do not think there are any baby snakes inside anymore. I have done a lot of research and still I have failed the eggs, I was hoping some of you with experience could tell me what you think I have done wrong.
I would like to get it right for next year. :)
The temp / humditiy have been constantly at temp:30 cell
Humidity:50 - I struggled to get it higher.
Thank you to you to anyone for giving me the time.
Tasha :)
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You just answered your own question, your humidity was much too low. It needs to be around 90% while ensuring the eggs remain dry.
You should not need to do anything with the humidity if you are maternally incubating. The mother does a great job looking after them. What makes you think that the eggs are no good and can you post a picture please. The three in the picture are obviously the ones that you took away and they are no good, did you roll them at all? Usually people will mark the top of the egg so they do not turn them or the snake will die.
I feel really bad that I have wrecked 3 eggs, I was silly and listen to some one else. I will include another picture of the eggs that the female has. when I took the eggs I placed them in the tub the way they were laid by the female and I have not moved them since.
My first ever snakes and wow I am learning alot.
I will go and get the picture for you.
Obviously you have the answers to your question but... two male coastals wouldn't normally live happily together. Males tend to fight around breeding time.
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