Snake has escaped. Don't know how cage was secured.

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it is probably getting used to being out of its enclosure. There is alot the snake has to get used to so it is probably scared and hiding. Don't lose hope mate it is somewhere in the house :) Just keep looking anywhere and everywhere.
My Spotted python climbs and very well, she prefers to be up high so maybe you should check high places anyway, in case your spotted is like mine.

Maybe try the flour idea? Leave some flour lying around and your snake might just slither through it for you, then you know where he/she is and can start tearing the place apart.

Hope you find him/her soon, good luck :)
Had a good look can't find him :( , gonna do the powder tonight see if that works :)

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Can you use baby powder for it ?

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Don't worry found talcum powder.
yep and get the torch out and have a good look try and tip toe around and not stomp.
My friend had lost his jungle at one stage the best thing to do is call over a couple of people and all of use just chek 1 room at a time extreamly good drawers in cloths if you have chair staked up search in between them becuase the snake is going to look for somewhere nice to hide and most snakes are at their most active at nights so try your luck at night. If you have black light that can help aswell :)
Hope you find him or have found him. If not just keep checking, he will hopefully turn up eventually, my bredli escaped when I first got her, she escaped her click clack I had her in, she had her teeth caught in the flywire that I had on top of my (live) rats cage and she was stuck, I tore my whole room apart looking for her and she was no less than a meter away from me, lol.
You dont have any live rats by any chance? :lol:
Providing all the windows and doors are shut and that you have no holes in the floor for him/her to escape out of, it will turn up somewhere!
I wouldn't give up yet. Snakes have turned up after two months or more on the slither.

Keep in mind that snakes can flatten themselves through the thinnest gaps, so leave nothing unchecked. Check drawers, the pockets of your clothes, behind the books on bookshelves, behind the shelves, in and under electronic equipment... you get the idea. Double-check all the warm spots in the house. Look up high too, even if it is a spotted python.
Prolly if you stop looking, thats when you will find him ;)

Of course keep looking.... if he is still in the house, he will be somewhere warm, prolly up high where he can keep an eye on you. Keep looking and be careful where you step, in case you accidently step on him. If you have checked all the 'normal' places, start looking in unusual places. Under lamp shades, behind toilet and cistern, on shower curtain rods and in vanities under sinks, behind fridge or in with its motor.... under washing machine, in the cupboard with the hot water cylinder.... Go and buy a rat and put it under a heatlamp or on a heatpad with a hide on it. Re check inside the enclosure in case he went back in there ;)
you need to think of it from your snakes point of view. It is totally in a new environment and scared. It will probably hide itself away for a few days until it starts to get hungry and feels comfortable in its surroundings. Dont give up hope mate. I would still be putting rolled up towels under each door and do routine checks every day.
As you are sure the enclosure was 'secure' is there any possibility of foul play? Might someone in the household have let it out or taken it? Sorry to be negative, but snakes cant get out of a secure enclosure without help?

What is the setup of your enclosure? Glass, mellamine? sliding glass? opening doors? What sort of lock did you have on the doors?
So happy, we have found my snake. My Dad found him . He was in the garage in a weird space. So thank you all for helping. It is true to look in the weirdest places.
Good to see and hear mate!

Now don't forget the fix that gap
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