I recently bough an adult Diamond, I already have an adult Bredli and it is the most placid thing ever and whilst this Diamond has not bitten (yet) it hisses an awful lot, is this normal or is he pissed and close to taking chunks out of me?
Four days ago.
agreedsounds like you have a snake to me
sounds like you have a snake to me
Snakes can take a bit of time to settle in. They get unnerved by the sudden move to new surroundings with unfamiliar sights and smells. Leave him alone while he gets used to his new home and you. By all means change his water and check enclosure temps, but no handling at all - just let him learn that it's safe here. It could take a few days, it could take a few weeks. When he starts to feel comfortable, he'll stop hissing at you. That's the theory anyway.