mrillusion....... a 9 month old coastal in a 1.2mtre long enclosure......
what the!! :shock:
put the poor thing in a click clack. i have 18 month old pythons still in large sized click clacks.
That enclosure is fine if he has enough hides.
mrillusion....... a 9 month old coastal in a 1.2mtre long enclosure......
what the!! :shock:
put the poor thing in a click clack. i have 18 month old pythons still in large sized click clacks.
... you have to not touch. snakes DO NOT enjoy being held.. despite what people think, they will tolerate it but dont enjoy it. i have found by leaving my snakes alone they have made much better handlers as they arnt stressed and ready to bite....
mrillusion....... a 9 month old coastal in a 1.2mtre long enclosure......
what the!! :shock:
put the poor thing in a click clack. i have 18 month old pythons still in large sized click clacks.
I disagree with such a sweeping assertion, some snakes probably don't like it but I know for sure that some do like it. It does however seem to be a contradiction to develop better handling snakes by applying a "no touch" policy, what is the point?