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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2006
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Perth, WA

My new house is starting to get underway, and am currently tossing up a dew ideas.

I currently have plans for a large in the wall type fish tank.

I was considering adding a "snake pit" in what will essentialy be my reptile/fish room.

I got the idea from the perth zoo. They have a glass walled enclosure that you can walk around and view from all sides and above. It has blue tongue species and a few dragons etc.

I was thinking about doing something similar with large glass viewing panels that would come up a little past wasit height. Put a layer of red earth sand and some large pieces of slat and wood and it'd be great. Provide lighting/heat from the top aswell as built in heat chords under some hotspots.

and have a large group of stimmis in their with maybe a couple larger centrallion blue tongues for a bit of movement?

Has anyone done something like this indoors? I know people have similar outdoor setup. Would love to hear other peoples views and opinions.

the idea always sounds good, but the cleaning is a pain in the backside. You would be fine with it for a while, but then you'd get sick of it.
I was thinking maintenance would be a pain, with having to get in etc. I think their would be ways of getting around it though.

I was thinking something in the 15x10 range, could get quite a large group, changing temps with season would be equal for all breeding stock? their would be advantages of this type of set up i could imagine.
It sounds like a great idea, I am sure you could come up with an escape proof door for you to get into the pit. Would you house the snakes on sand or would you use something else? At least with sand you could get in there and vacuum up the bad spots and just top up when necessary. Totally replace the sand every 6 months or so if it gets too dusty and smelly.
and stimmies may try to eat the bluies but it sounds good
Thanks for the input.

Hugsta that is a very similar way of thinking to what i've been brain storming. Soiled bits could be easily replaced.
With the stimmis and blue tongues it was just a thought, i have seen it done before, but i will deff do my research before potentialy endangering any of my animals.
There is a topic on here where ssomeone posted some pics of a room enclosure.... Is this what your thinking of doing??? It was inside with glass windows alond one wall..... Neat set up..... I will try and find it and post a link.....
i would only decorate elapids cages because with elapids you mainly look at them and watching them in more on a natural enviroment would be much nicer but putting animal that you want to handle like stimmies and blues in a really decrotive tank is bit of waste n they arnt as intrestin as elapids to watch :)
so i say get some elapids lol hehe, or if your not into them or dont have licensing etc
i reckon if you going to make a large pit like that i would put somethin to do with water in there like EWD's
Here's a few ideas......

I cant find the exact one I was looking for... Maybe someone else can spot it in a search.... I am a bit stuffed after work and are probably looking over it.

It was an enclosure for a couple of large Perentie's, and was like an enclosed room...... Awesome I thought

Hope you get some ideas from those links...
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