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Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2008
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south austraila
hey pll i got a coastal carpet hachy and he just will not touch anything i give him iv bumped his temps up and still will not eat can any1 give me any tip as to why he wont eat or wat can i do to make him eat. his temps are at 30deg and he is in a tub with a heat cord plz help
What are you offering as food, how is it offered and at what time of the day? Are you providing a thermal gradient, or is the snake kept at a constant 30'c?
iv tryd in the morning, afternoon. night and still nothing. im offing pink mice just getting hair so itz a good size. iv got him in a tub rack system that stays at 30deg 24/7 .the only thing i havent done is put him in a small enclouser with lights do think that might work. he is just on news paper, water bowl and all he does is sit on the pole iv got in there allday only at night he will come down for a little while and then back up he goes
how long have you had it? has it had time to settle in?
-feed appropriate food , size etc
- have it in a appropriate sized enclosure
- have good temps
Dont worry too much, my last hatchie didnt eat for weeks , we tried every week and oneday it just ate it
Your set-up is okay, although you might want to give the snake a cooler area to retreat to (even though hatchlings will happily remain at 30'c).

I think you may have better luck rubbing a garden skink onto the pinky and offering it to the snake in the evening, without the lights on and disturbing the snake as little as possible in the process.

You could also leave the pinky with the snake all night and see if it's gone in the morning.
do it at night time.
pierce the head of the pinkie.
place on the perch near the hatchy.
leave alone in a quiet place in the dark for a couple of hours.

It is what has worked for me....
iv tryd in the morning, afternoon. night and still nothing. im offing pink mice just getting hair so itz a good size. iv got him in a tub rack system that stays at 30deg 24/7 .the only thing i havent done is put him in a small enclouser with lights do think that might work. he is just on news paper, water bowl and all he does is sit on the pole iv got in there allday only at night he will come down for a little while and then back up he goes

he moves around at night cause hes nocturnal ,give him time to settle in .How much surface area of the tub are you heating? a perch is great ,what size tub do you have him in ?letting him settle in real important if hes refusing to eat,how long have you had him .Remember not to stress they can go a while without eating its a snake! how long has it been since he fed
i got him from a mate bout 2 wekks ago only a quater of the tubs is heatd itz a 30litre starmade tube if that helps
just moved my jungle hatchies to rats pinkies and my male didnt seem to fussed on the upgraded food. brained the pinkie rat and he took it straight away.
i got him from a mate bout 2 wekks ago only a quater of the tubs is heatd itz a 30litre starmade tube if that helps
sounds like the tubs to big for a hatchie ive got my bredli still in ten litre tubs they measure about 40cm long and they are still able to move around ,They say you should heat 30 % of the floor i heat about 20% like your setup but my hot spot runs more like 33degrees but the cool end is about26 and in winter its even more extreme, two hides one on cold side one on warm side .When you introduced him did you give him time to settle no disturbance at all for at least a week even a bit longer if possible .Do you have enclosure out of main traffic area were there isnt lights or noise going off and on all the time . in my oppinion it sounds like its stressed out try down size of enclosure then let him settle in then sent food like the other herpers suggested thats what i would do
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thanks alot mates every1 has help me out heap thank you ill keep intouch and let you know how he goes thankyou
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