Snakes living with rats, living with cats and dogs.

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2010
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The Big Valley NSW
haz and Fowerr.JPG
haz and Fowerr2.JPG

muff and Flower.JPG(And no, this snake isnt getting hurt by the jabs to the head, there seems to be no malice in thier efforts.I realise, no animal can be trusted to behave in such a predictable manner)

Hi All, I have always kept my reptiles and some other animals inside, and over the years, NONE of our pets, have been attacked or eaten, by another 'tenant'.
Might just be luck, but ive always handled them around each other(for which i'll probably get flamed over), and seemingly the animals have some sort of sense as to whats fair game (to eat) and the snake is a little aprehensive at first if she comes acros the cat,but gets very inquizative, trying to get closer and sniff the cat ect.
The cat gets around the house, and also seems to get t-'that pets are pets and prey is prey?
Wondering if anyone else, lives with a similar 'mixed' family.-A little disfunctional, but no-ones been hurt /killed so far.
The cat is 6-7 nyo, and has whatched the pythons grow up and the rat seems to have it over all of the! Go figure.My cat will lay down a snuggle with my rat, cat with dog and so on.-
ive been told that because they are kept well fed,that they dont need to look towards other 'tenants ' as food.
Anyone got any thoughts on this.
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Other than you're a nasty accident waiting to happen, no.

It's only a matter of time, and the animals will be the losers.

Waiting for the enevitable. Its like those betting set ups you see in SE Asia.
Snake looks small, my bet is the cat will come out on top. Snake will make a nice dinner one day and the rat will be dessert. If the snake survives the next 12 months, both the kitty and rat will go missing.
yeah i dont think that is is a good idea, it is only a matter of time before something bad will happen. its natural instinct for a snake to eat rodents, ect.
Stupid. Why do it? Why risk your 'pets' safety like that?

What do you feed your snake? Rats? So it associates the smell of a rat with food? Disaster waiting to happen.

As for the cats and dogs, they can be trained to get along with other animals, they learn to see them as companions and can and do live harmoniously together. Even this can turn sour though with one day either animal 'snapping'.
Maybe you're training a super breed of cats and rats...

1) If you breed cats to respect our native wildlife, if by chance the said cat becomes feral it will merely tap our wildlife on the head several times in a playful manner. Meanwhile the other cats in the pride will go off to hunt dirt for dinner.

2) A breed of rats that instinctively remain calm while being swallowed by a snake - thus saving gassing and hence the greenhouse effect with all that carbon dioxide being released in to the air to kill the rats before consumption.

Good work my friend...

An environmentalist and an ecologist all rolled into one happy, playful ball of wool....
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Whoooah there Slimes! Eeeaaaaasy boy! I think you're forgetting the old fable. There was a breed of rabbit that was bopping smaller animals on the head. We all heard what happened to little bunny foo foo, I don't see how the good fairy would approve a cat behaving in the same manner!

Maybe you're training a super breed of cats and rats...

1) If you breed cats to respect our native wildlife, if by chance the said cat becomes feral it will merely tap our wildlife on the head several times in a playful manner. Meanwhile the other cats in the pride will go off to hunt dirt for dinner.

2) A breed of rats that instinctively remain calm while being swallowed by a snake - thus saving gassing and hence the greenhouse effect with all that carbon dioxide being released in to the air to kill the rats before consumption.

Good work my friend...

An environmentalist and an ecologist all rolled into one happy, playful ball of wool....
spose when you lose one of them or both to your python you wont post it up and say ( you guys were rite afer all ) one day i came home the cat ate the rat and the cat was eaten by her friend the python, keeping the food chain in the family love ya style.

your just playing with death somehow and you cant cheat it forever
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Wonder how many kids are going to end up with dead pets copying that pic.. Thanks for posting stupidness on the internet.
:shock: To me, it looks like a disaster waiting to happen but i hope it doesn't for the animals sake.
I now know why some topics are already covered and referred to. As it turns out, (Snakes and Pets) is a widely disscussed topic and i found the info i was after. Thankyou.
Was needing real life people and real life experiences.
Sorry it pains you Pythoninfinite,your comment re: that i wouldnt report back to APS, if my snake got eaten in the future,why concern yourself that i may or may not reply to a forum. -dude ur right off track,you'll give yourself a headache mate.
PS.on another note.,
Thought i may come across anyone doing Cert II Animal Studies>>Moving on to Vet Nursing IV. Need to get a local placement in Newy area, have already applied at the 'Hunter valley Zoo', if anyone knows of anywhere that can take a 1 year placement.
snake and rat seems a bit freaky, maybe the snake is waiting to get a bit bigger before it goes for the rat :p Haha. Well at my house the cats know not to eat the birds or lizards and the dogs know the cats are family and it all works out fine. I wouldnt dare put my snake near the cat though. I have caught the cat tryna check the snake out thru the flyscreen and he didnt seem at all bothered by it, nor did he look like he wanted to eat the cat, but he had been fed a couple days earlier, I bet anything if he was hungry he would go the cat, haha!
snake eats brother.JPG
Wonder how many kids are going to end up with dead pets copying that pic.. Thanks for posting stupidness on the internet.
You gotta be joking and/or very bored;.Dead pets, wow!just from copying the pics, hmm what you try to scan the snakes body, or ??
I now know why some topics are already covered and referred to. As it turns out, (Snakes and Pets) is a widely disscussed topic and i found the info i was after. Thankyou.
Was needing real life people and real life experiences.
Sorry it pains you Pythoninfinite,your comment re: that i wouldnt report back to APS, if my snake got eaten in the future,why concern yourself that i may or may not reply to a forum. -dude ur right off track,you'll give yourself a headache mate.
PS.on another note.,
Thought i may come across anyone doing Cert II Animal Studies>>Moving on to Vet Nursing IV. Need to get a local placement in Newy area, have already applied at the 'Hunter valley Zoo', if anyone knows of anywhere that can take a 1 year placement.


I don't believe you will get anything positive from this forum. Although it is surprising what pictures you have posted, it's like giving a child matches to play with - no offense.

Pythons cannot tollerate rodents, they are prey, whatever the reason your python is not striking, I am stunned, however - this maybe luck, if you put my pythons anywhere near a rat, it will be gone in 5-10mins and I assume everyone else's.

I have doubt that anyone studying animal studies or vet studies would study Pythons and their prey to "become friends" or tolerant.
Who said snake people were crazy? Oh wait that was me :lol:

Funny as hope the rat gets nailed, the python chokes the cat and you post pics. I know dogs can be trained not to kill stuff, that would be pretty normal for a domestic rat to behave like that, it may be possible to train cats (im not a cat person lol) but the only reason the snake wouldnt kill the rat is because its either too stressed(i know you probably know it isnt lol) or simply not hungry.
Who said snake people were crazy? Oh wait that was me :lol:

Funny as hope the rat gets nailed, the python chokes the cat and you post pics. I know dogs can be trained not to kill stuff, that would be pretty normal for a domestic rat to behave like that, it may be possible to train cats (im not a cat person lol) but the only reason the snake wouldnt kill the rat is because its either too stressed(i know you probably know it isnt lol) or simply not hungry.

Or a vegetarian....
depenging how big the snake will get one day, u never know one day the cat will eat the rat the snake will then eat the cat and still be hungry and then eat you for dessert
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