Snakes v Lizards

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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Opinions and some good input PLZZZZZZZ
Met a neighbour today and had no idea he is a big breeder and has for a long time breeding all types of lizards......he found out i kept snakes and straight away (instead of asking what i got ) said snakes r boring and to unpredictable but plz dont take offence......................................well i like my snakes and i was thinking of getting into the odd other reps but not sure if i wana now..........this is not a debate taking sides i would just like peoples opinions spesh from u lizard owners to y MY SNAKES R BORING!!!!!!!!
I guess it's like cat and dog owners. They're both mammals but people who like one don't necessarily like the other. "Reptiles" is a pretty big category so there are always going to be factions. I personally think things like Beardies and Blueys are boring but each to their own
I guess it's like cat and dog owners. They're both mammals but people who like one don't necessarily like the other. "Reptiles" is a pretty big category so there are always going to be factions. I personally think things like Beardies and Blueys are boring but each to their own
I agree i like things to keep me on me Toes...used to fly birds of prey (when they were hungry they were angels...when not well thats a different story lol)
Idk. I LOVE MY LIZARD TO DEATH! But in general I prefer snakes over lizards. I always go to buy pythons rather than geckos, beardies, etc.... I just find pythons to be these beautiful and amzing creatures and I can' get enough of them! Everyone at school thinks I'm a weirdo because I spend my spare time surrounded by them and researching them.... snakes are my above favorite thing in the whole world! (well besides guitar..)
Just love snakes more than lizards..... so I'm going for snakes :)
Well thats my 2c
I have both. I find it comes down to the individual animal to be honest. Some snakes or lizards make great display animals or handlers, others spend a lot of time hiding or do not like being handled at all. Our coastal Noodles is a bloody show-off, he's always out and about, but some of the other snakes rarely get seen outside their hides.
Same with the lizards. One of the shingles is always cruising around, but the other one is a lot more laid backa nd will chill half in a hide all day.
i have both and find the lizards (beardies and shingles) are far more interactive than the snakes, which is why if i could only keep one or the other it would be lizards.

ofcourse the snakes are beautiful and really low maintenance, so i love them too.
I would much rather watch a snake sit still then a lizard, however its rare that a lizard will sit still so their enclosure if often times alot more active then a pythons. Recently looked into getting a gecko setup but as much as i tried i just could'nt find any passion to keep them lol

Already been said but very much like cats and dogs
i couldn't compare either of them, to me they are both the same and think that they are both super awesome! :) btw you should really think about getting other reps you never know you might get into them! :)
I sold my last snake two weeks ago and can't see myself getting back into them anytime soon.

Lizards are just so much more interesting IMO.
Both are wonderful, stupid exercise imo.

And my pets are for life (except local fish which I sometimes catch, observe and release back at the catch site).
Oh don't suck me in to this debate.....
I've always said Australian snakes are boring brown jobs, whereas the Australian lizard fraternity come in all shades of he rainbow. Then add legs, eyelids, social behaviour and there's no contest.
Strangely I'm developing quite a collection of scaley feet and Diamond Pythons. I wonder why....
I only like snakes.... lizards..... monitors..... dragons....... geckos...... frogs...... turtles.... tortus..... fish...... insects...... most mamals..... Oh, and a few people :rolleyes:

Other than that, most everything else is pretty boring :lol:
personally I'm more into lizards but I like snakes too.I guess it's because of more exposure over the years plus lizards are a bit more intelligent and active than snakes(go on bite my head off you snake lovers)
I like both, used to keep both. I had a beautiful green iguana to a ripe old age, but I will only keep snakes from now on.
The reason is that snakes have got to be the most undemanding animal out here. I don't want to have to prepare a fresh salad every day or have containers with bugs in that I'm gut loading anymore.
I really miss keeping lizards but I like having a bit of freedom back.
I only like snakes.... lizards..... monitors..... dragons....... geckos...... frogs...... turtles.... tortus..... fish...... insects...... most mamals..... Oh, and a few people :rolleyes:

Other than that, most everything else is pretty boring :lol:
U forgot the mrs that has let u this far but hey ...WGAS,,,,hehehe
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