Ahhhhhh. Awsome. Loving the rattlers and the gaboon. I'm speechless!!!! Amazing photo's!!!!!!!
Never get tired of looking at your beautiful snakes - those Gaboon's are divine.
Great collection - small and deadly seems to be your theme
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wow what a cool colection i like your white lip and Chinese spitter
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Very jealous - Gaboon vipers are my fav. I want one so bad
I can admire these snakes without wanting to own one.
I particularly like the Bitis gabonica (I like their latin name as well 8)) and the White-lipped Viper. By the way, what scientific name is currently being used/more widely accepted over there for these snakes? Is it Trimeresurus or Cryptelytrops albolabris?
Some of your photos are excellent. I love this shot...