Next to Yabbies, Freshwater Crays are beautiful. And how do you guys think they are cooked?? Well, alive and in boiling water. Can't cook em after they are dead. Might give yourself Salmonella or some other sort of tummy bug if you cook em dead eh? We have a little dam/pond on our property too. Lotsa ducks, shags and other water birds come in there too. Dave usually attracts them to a cage baited with wheat if he wants a feed. But that wouldn't be too often, I find them too fatty/oily/gamey. Years ago he used to be out there at the crack of dawn with his Dad and other guys for the opening of the Duck shooting season. And mind you, everyone of those ducks were eaten, not just left to die. Cut the farmboy a bit of slack I reckon. Cheers Cheryl