southern leaf-tailed gecko requirements

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Phyllurus platurus is commonly known as Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko. I think Saltuarius swaini is commonly referred to as Northern Leaf-tailed Gecko? Either way i think their requirements are the same, no heating required, room temperature is fine. Small cage 2ft is ok, lots of hiding places, logs, rocks, crevices etc. Feed mainly on crickets dusted with calcium etc. Mist cage daily. Too easy.
Swaini like it cool, 20 - 25 degrees, with high humidity. Leave moist sphagnum moss in the enclosure and mist daily. I use an exo-terra mist machine for my pair, which raises the humidity. I feed mine large crix. They are huge geckos (about 20cm) so I always give them about 10 between them and they clean up every single one. I feed mine 3 times a week.

No heating required, calcium suppliment should be given, uv light may be beneficial, climbing vines are great for them. Standard two foot enclosure is fine as they don't move around much!

bloody common names.. :lol: everwhere i've looked.. phyllurus platurus is the broad tailed gecko... anyway saltuarius swaini occur natually where i live so there the ones im after..
cheers for the info

p.s would a 1.5ft(L)x2ft(H)x2ft(D) be ok for a pair?
Here's a few pics of my pair Megz. Would love to see photos of yours when you get them. Also included pic of their tub before I got their mist machine.







Saz, Im assuming you drop the humidity by a major factor in winter? when do you start misting less and dump the moss?

P.s I agree great piocs, Id like a pair of Southerns myself, always liked leafys. :)
Hi guys,

Generally $250 per hatchling as far as I am aware. Beautiful animals! I really love the leaf tails. Instar, I've only had these guys for a few months, so as for winter conditions, haven't had them for a winter yet! I've just been keeping them as per the previous owners instructions. Not sure about winter conditions, but now that you mention it, I think I might ask him LOL!

Sounds like good Idea Saz! Colder temps and humidity are NOT good! :)
Hi Megz,
I keep Northern Leaftail Gecko's; i'd say their very similar in their requirements....
I'm useing fish tanks, turned on their ends, with a simple ply door etc.
They are great for holding the humidity, and staying some what damper for longer;
as it's rather hot and dry where i live......I run a aircon during the day to drop the room temp down to around 23-25 degrees, to simulate northern night time drops.....
They get mist sprayed twice a day, soaking branchs, moss etc.
We try to feed them a varied diet.....crickets, cockaroachs, spiders
and moths ( only feed drab coloured ones, eg browns, greys etc).....beware, they eat heaps!!!!.. :lol: Their fed from the forceps, to ensure they each receive their food requirements...A bowl is placed in each cage as well; with dusted roachs etc.....
I'm sure you'll enjoy keeping them; really incredible creatures :wink:
YAY! Looked what I walked in on this morning whilst going to feed the dragons! Looks like that Exo terra mist maker I installed in their enclosure recently created just the right ambiance for a little leaf tail lovin'!! Very pleased as I didn't think they would breed until at least next season.


wow nice pics. do u guys have more pics plz.
Indicus, I assume from the egg pic that you breed them. Do you have any for sale or are you likely to have them for sale in the future? Or are they one of thoseherps that are all spoken for long before they hatch?
great looking geckos, hope they have babies for you.
Thanks Jason. The female is already starting to look chubbier, am going to check her from underneath later on today. She normally spends most of her time upsidedown at the top of the enclosure, but I haven't seen her do it once since I caught them mating which is very unusual. Maybe it hinders egg development or something?
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