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Kenshin, check my gallery (sobrien), there is a picture of my Freckled Monitor enclosure. If you browse the galleries, there should be more pictures of other peoples goannas.
Simon O'Brien
"Not bad for indoor cages, clean and easy to maintain, shame you couldnt have the same unit outside under some 'lazer-lite, sun-tuff'- (clear plastic roofing) $100 a sheet one cut down should cover it, looks great. Elevated from the top of your cages would allow them to get some natural light (also) plus give a controled wet free environment. This may not be practical, but looks great, and most of all; large varanids love it outside",...........cheers Tree.
I'm hoping to move them outdoors in similar design enclosures when they are a bit larger, then circulate other varanids into this enclosure. I will be supplying some supplemental heating when they're outside. I hadn't heard of Laserlite Sun-tuff specifically but I'll look into it.

Simon Archibald
"Simon whats the ripple-sheeting cost per sheet?, i normally use that 'above ground pool outer, which i get from garage sales, mates etc, better than $80+ for aluminium sheeting, goes futher to"....................
Above ground pool stuff is a good idea...never thought of that...would be good for me for circular enclosures but I have no way of cutting it into sheets (and no skill to do so either).

The ripple iron was $16 for the smaller sheets (1500mm) and $22 for the larger sheets (2400mm). They have sizes 1800mm and 2100mm aswell.

Simon Archibald
"Jigsaw and good labour, that will do it. I use corragated rain water tanks for circular enclosures, just seen one this afternoon at the dump 'huge', how the hell i'm going to get it home i do not know. Some tanks i cut in half with hinged flip-back mouse wire lids, good for Storrs etc. Larger tanks i cut out the front (normally the size of the opening size depends on how much rust is to come out) and make a walk in style enclosure, mice wire front, sprayed mid-brunswick green, rocks logs and plants and a few uprights, works well. The trick is to make them so you can house anything from a Tree-monitor to a sub-adult lacey - pending size of tank as to what you can house. You can empty them of sub-straight, plants etc, relocate them to sunny area or on the back of a ute. I'm now in the process of building more for Tree snakes; the scrubbies are just about to stay out full-time now. You can then run a electricty junction-box out in the yard to run heat to each cage. Their a cheap caging system thats practical. If i had the cash i would use 'poly-tanks', never have to paint again, and never rust, may replace the wire once in a blue moon.............However their a must for the 'monitor - man'.........cheers Tree.
"I'll get some photo's for you soon and e-mail them to you, so you will get a better idea what i'm on about"...............Tree
hey tremain i would love to see pics of your scrubs in there outdoor enclosures if thats possible. and ur enclosures sound great
Yeah mate, if it's not too much hassle posting some of those pics up in a gallery here and letting us know about it would be great! I'd love to see some of these outdoor enclosures, am sure a heap of other people here would too :)
The water tanks were another option I was gonna use for outside. Was looking everywhere for decent second-hand ones close to me but no luck. Anyhow, I used some leftover colourbond sheets I found on a council throw-out and made a pit for my flavirufus male. Total cost: $0. I'm always on the lookout for tanks though.

Simon Archibald
if you wanted to spend 1300 bucks you can buy a massive (i mean massive) aqua culture tank that doesent require cutting/or modding in any way (apart from maby some well placed holes in the bottem before you put the substrate in for drainage) i was thinking of getting one when i move for a trio of laces and putting a tree in the middle thru a hole i would cut and dig the hole in the ground with a post digger

by the way send some of those outdoor tank piccies to me to if u dont mind
nice one simon, your over taking me with the monitors...stop
Haha Marc...thanks mate. I'm trying to arrange some deals for pairs of 2 more species at the moment...Varanus mertensi and Varanus indicus. Here's hoping :)

Simon Archibald
What a beauty Marc. Have you bred them yet or are they not of suitable age. I'm sure you've told me before but I don't actually have a memory :)

Simon Archibald
nar she's only two, just a baby still, I have another few more on the way, not to sure on thier sexes as yet, I dont really care, these have been my favs for many years.
I have a female Sand Monitor (V.g.flavirufus) who is just on 2 years old, no more than 55cm long and has just laid 4 eggs. These were all infertile as no matings were witnessed, although possibilities are not just that she didn't mate.

Different species I know but interesting nonetheless.

Simon Archibald
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