Spider ID

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One of the Huntsman family (Sparassidae). A female.
Isopeda villosa from the Sparassidae family as stated above and I agree it's a female.
Thanks guys...all I know is that it is scary. We have huntsman's inside and they don't look like this one.
It is quite funny, we just let the ones inside stay there. Kids come in and point and freak out about the spider on the wall. Garth just say's..oooh that is just Basil...and the kids are OK with it then, when it has a name lol
I wish I could look at a photo of a spider without starting to hyperventilate
What is it with snakepeople and spiders? kinda funny :), i agree probably Isopeda villosa
It is in great condition and if not currently gravid I would say it won’t be long before she is.

I wish I could look at a photo of a spider without starting to hyperventilate
It would not help the breathing that it happens to be a particularly large picture of a particularly large spider. “Bring back the thumbnails!” she cried. I used to have a phobia of spiders as I had some bad experiences as a kid. I did manage to get past that with time and effort. I do empathise.

What is worth bearing in mind is that many people have that self same reaction to different reptiles or to frogs. A little understanding goes a long way.


It is in great condition and if not currently gravid I would say it won’t be long before she is.

It would not help the breathing that it happens to be a particularly large picture of a particularly large spider. “Bring back the thumbnails!” she cried. I used to have a phobia of spiders as I had some bad experiences as a kid. I did manage to get past that with time and effort. I do empathise.

What is worth bearing in mind is that many people have that self same reaction to different reptiles or to frogs. A little understanding goes a long way.


Im terribly scared of frogs also. When i lived with my aunty in 2010, the year before i got my first snake, i lived in a granny flat and i had to check under the toilet seat everytime i went to the loo cos frogs would come up the toilet. I hate them so much! They scare me. I hate anything that jumps lol
The old saying for something that really terrifies you is that it “scares the pants off you”. It occurs to me that your situation in the granny flat was exactly the opposite...

I have heard some amusing tales of big burly blokes letting out screams of terror, several octaves higher than their usual gruff male tones, due an unexpected encounter when toileting. Amazing the result five sticky fingers can have when unexpectedly wrapped around a pair of dangling testicles. And if you do not trip over first up, you cannot run effectively with your strides around you ankles. I'll stop there.

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