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Wow boa always wanted to handel my spiders but never had the knolige to do it right... :oops: 8)
It's not so much a matter of knowledge although it helps to 'know' you spiders a little.
I wouldn't generally recommend handling Australian species as they can be quite aggressive and unpredictable. That's not to say you can't handle them obviously but you really have to know the spiders personality a bit.
wouldn"t mind getting into big spiders but don't know too much about our local ones.how many breeds of turantula/bird eating spider do we have here?any breeds more placid than others?i was in the amazon in equador last year and found about 15 turantula's and they were quiet as.i'll post some photos of them on me at a later date.
This might be a stupid question, but you dont need any type of licencing to keep spiders do you?
They should NEVER be handled, the Australian species. Believe me, they pack a nasty bite and will bite, and also you greatly risk injuring the spider if you drop it or flick it off once it sinks it's fangs into you. The tarantulas here don't kick their hair, so their first defence is biting.

This is as close to handling one as I would recommend....this is Jewel's moult (without her abdomen). Duga posted of pic of her earlier.

Are they similar to snakes and lizards with the frequency of shedding?
How often are they fed?
Wow good to see this thread took off and everyone played nice!

Beautiful spiders duga and nome.
I guess not everyone is into spiders. :lol:

pugsly said:
Wow good to see this thread took off and everyone played nice!

Beautiful spiders duga and nome.
Pugs, I didn't get to see your photos, they aren't coming up on my computer for some reason?

I've kept and bred Australian tarantulas for a long time, problem with that was I got too complacent and yes I have been bitten. For the record, I have rarely handled them and once was only because it was necessary. I feel I 'know' my girls very well...but put them in a different situation, such as new enclosure, and they are a different spider for a while and extremely reactive to situations. Breeding them tends to be a little hands on and gets quite tense at times...I was supposed to breed 'Ellie' last year but due to her extremely defensive and confident nature I did not, it would have no doubt ended with her up someones arm in a bid to run for it and she would have no hesitation in biting, she's bad enough when I just open the lid to her enclosure most of the time, she doesn't like it at all and usually stands up, hisses very loudly at me and hangs her fangs right out. She's the only spider I'm a little afraid of lol

The adults usually only moult once a year, the spiderlings moult every month or so as they are growing fast.
re Spiders

Nice Spiders,more hair on them than your averge pussy :D
What do you feed the spiderlings Nome, small crix??
i feed mine small crix at this stage, hoping to get them bigger fast, i would love to see more pics of people arachnids
Spider Girl,

In the photo of the spider shedding, you say without her abdomen? Has she not got one?
What for is this you say?
The photo was of a shed skin, when a spider sheds it's skin the abdomen is the only 'soft' part so it appears like they don't have an abdomen. The skin of the abdomen is the little shrivelled bit at the back.
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