Not so new Member
My spotted is approx 2 and half years old. I am unsure of the sex (have named him Herman & refer to it as a "he" ). He hasn't eaten for over 5 weeks. At first I thought this was because he was used to live food & I was weaning him onto frozen. I have tried EVERY POSSIBLE WAY of getting him interested in the food. He does go to the mouse & lick it & is aware of it but is just not interested. His tank temp at warm end ranges between 28c - 32c. I have checked him over for any visible signs of illness & have checked his mouth (was suprised he let me open it up). He has become very active, more than he has ever been. He is always out from his rock, isn't bothered if I'm watching him (actually went for a dip the other day while I was watching him). He is regularly climbing his branches & lying out in the open. He is still growing well & hasn't lost any weight, seems to be healthy. I was just wondering if it's possible that he may be looking for a mate?