Spotted python first feed since 31 March!

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After nearly 5 months my 3 year old spotty finally ate what was placed in front of him. I was starting to get worried as he was getting skinny. He doesn't really strike but. You have got to hold the rat with tongs and kind of push it into his nose and he opens his mouth and grabs it, kind of like a dog ha.
My spotty does the same thing, try just touching the food just behind his head and move it around even when he has started to bite at it. I have been trying new things with mine and he has become quite good at constricting, inverting and striking his food now.

Glad to hear yours is eating again though! such a relief I bet!
Yea I know its common for them to not eat over winter but he has lost a lot of condition and I was getting worried.
In saying that he seems happy as normal.
do spottys regularly have feeding issue im asking cuase im picking up a hatchie next week
I just got mine feeding after 5 months also.... damn cold, happens every year.. I need to move to Qld haha

The only loss of condition I noticed was obviously weight loss, but also his sloughs since he stopped feeding have been terrible. Never a problem with a good diet. It's also handy having other hungry snakes when you know ones more than likely going to refuse a feed. Nothing worse than throwing money away. Having said that my Bredli and Water Pythons have never refused a feed regardless of weather.

I find the best way to counter the weight loss is fatten them up over summer, it's a pretty natural cycle. Only seems to present problems when snakes go into the winter already on the thin side.
do spottys regularly have feeding issue im asking cuase im picking up a hatchie next week

Like Fourexes mine tend to slow down over winter I have had stints of 4-6 months of non feeding and mine are a similar age. I didnt find it when they were younger (they at once a week for the first 6 months then once a fortnight for the next 6). What I have learnt is that every snake is different, just keep an eye on your temps and make sure your environment they are in is acceptable (hot spot, cooling area, water, couple of hiding places in both areas).
I have found they prefer tight fitting hides rather than ones that give them plenty of room, but that is what my 2 spotted like it can and probably will vary again from snake to snake.
I just got mine feeding after 5 months also.... damn cold, happens every year.. I need to move to Qld haha

The only loss of condition I noticed was obviously weight loss, but also his sloughs since he stopped feeding have been terrible. Never a problem with a good diet. It's also handy having other hungry snakes when you know ones more than likely going to refuse a feed. Nothing worse than throwing money away. Having said that my Bredli and Water Pythons have never refused a feed regardless of weather.

I find the best way to counter the weight loss is fatten them up over summer, it's a pretty natural cycle. Only seems to present problems when snakes go into the winter already on the thin side.

That's because bredlis are pigs haha
i just stumbled across this thread. One of my 3 yr old spottys has gone now almost 2 months without feeding which is unusual for him because he used to never refuse a feed even in winter. i reckon he might be due to shed but isnt shedding yet but once again usually would snap at any opportunity for a feed. im also keeping a female spotted in the same enclosure under the same conditions and she is still smashing her food and and shedding no worries. i'm not worried about the male yet as he still has plenty of weight on him but given the other one has shown no change in behavior, i'm now starting to wonder if there is anything else i should be looking for with him or any suggestions to entice his appetite?
Sloughing can be worse over winter due to the dry air. I doubt it has much to do with diet. You should not see noticeable condition loss over winter from the cooling process. A few months without food won't affect them at all. I had an adult male stimsoni who didn't feed for 22 months and bred both seasons producing viable clutches. They're pretty surprising at times.
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