Steve and Becka to them self.

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Well done Steve the pom and Astrogirl Beka. Old Slateman was patiently waiting for your visit on saturday and you let him wait. Nobody come. Looks like Steve was more entertaining than i expected.
I hope that beka did not learned some bad habits from our regularly naked pom.
Ummmmmmm let me think.
Steve spending time with Astro,Steve spending time with Slatey?
Astro?Slatey? Astro?Slatey? Astro?Slatey? Astro?Slatey?
On second thoughts I guess it was a no contest :p
bugger all of you, i was sick with the flu the whole time i was down there!!!
of course you would all immediately think something was going on. :shock:
huge appologies to slatey, darin, meg, fangs and pia.
sorry for keeping you waiting slateman.
i am planning another trip down there, next time hopefully i will be able to see everyone.
OK Beka. Next time you come, mabe would be good not to spend all the time in bed. HA Ha.
But really, I am sory you had so bad trip darling. I would be able to cure you with Firewater mabe.
Better then body heat.
thank you for being so understanding slatey.
apologies again, and to all the others i didn't visit that i was meant to.
:p My gott,aps reminds me of a small bloody country town all after the gossip.So we can put inuendos up as long as theres no swearing but cant have naked pics,so much for worrying bout the kids on the site or does that only apply to certain people. :p
Gregory said:
Hmmm, Steve and Beka not showing up as planned.
Might there be a little APS romance in the offing????

hmmm, hom much for the juvies?

glad to see what i do with my time on holidays is so important to you all! :D
and ss... out of your price range!
um......mudmum and muddad and mudbrother were there...we saw how sick she was and decided we couldnt leave her.....stayed by her side..... um.. so dont even think it ok!!? ha. ok i lied...but they were both very decently clothed and ...i dont think they like each other much at all but they were both smiling and i slept on the way home to the sounds of 'steve this and steve that....' s'all good. >grins<
hi stevie ya cute thing and hi pop honey
if im the mudmum ...mother of astronaughty....that means i get first dibs on offspring...theres a law protecting granparents... wait a tic...they just met..! :shock: they must brumate the year before mating.... or something like that heh
Lol Looks like little inicent lough is healthy.
Poop i hardly call this topic to be in same level as nudity and swering. I hope nobody will send me complain again.
You should be less sarcastic body. Live is going on and you are not getting any younger or better looking. Cheer up you old winger :wink: :D
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