Steve and Becka to them self.

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you folks are shockers ay, i`m a gentleman, no really i am.

had a great time though, except poor beka being sick (get better soon eh :) )

PS : Mr Invisible, cant have been too invisible, people complained when they saw it :p hehehee
:p You consistantly prove the double standards set by admin,you post a list of rules which members are expected to stand by yet admin dont.2. Be nice to other members. Any name calling or general nastiness will not be tolerated, you will be given a chance to apologise, however if not done so, or if you are a repeat offender, your account will be deleted. :p
Slateman said:
Poop i hardly call this topic to be in same level as nudity and swering. I hope nobody will send me complain again.

Hey Slater,

I want to make an official complaint to admin for the double standards and the immoral and shocking behaviour going on here... :p

Are those smileys nude and engaging in sexual activities? OH MY GOD!, SOMEONE PLEEEEEEEEEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
can some one PLEASE get rid of him?
he must have some stupid idea that we care what he thinks.....
oh, how wrong.
Oh my Gott yet another "Pearl of Wisdom" from none other than Wattso(the one who did a big song and dance then left).
Oh get a life you bloody whingers, cant someone have a little fun now ? or are there new forum rules for that too??? did you see the smileys? drop off astropain!!! :roll:
bloody whingers, eh?
i recall you having a major whinge about NOTHING not too long ago!
wattso, i'm sure you believe everything you do is perfectly justified, but you don't know me, so don't even try to insult me.
and, no, i don't know you but i feel i know enough about you, as your posts are constantly proving you to be a ... well, i don't think i'm allowed to say that word.
i also know that you don't have too many friends here....

and, by the way, i'm not going anywhere
I agree with Sarah...

I'll keep my delete and edit buttons to myself for the time being, but a reminder to please treat other members with the common respect you yourself would expect.
astronaughty can be fiesty when riled. ill officially say shes not an astropain..really. and those two just know? met and had fun. all pretty harmless. stp tried to scare me with matron..... hes not afraid of us - hes armed and dangerous. we did see steve mr invisible mustve been dressed..heh
luv ya pop honey..
Astro, I was merely trying to make light of a silly mistake made by me, i.e. saying anything at all about stp pic! let me set the record straight please. I personally thought it was funny as hell, i just also thought it should stay in stevos gallery not the forums, because i still think it was a little questionable re: being seen by kids[ANYONES KIDS, OK] what i actually spat the dummy at was not stevos pic but the whinging, sarcasm and general nastiness that goes on, on a site that afterall is about reptiles. Somehow my timing was off or i just shouldnt have mentioned the two together in the same post because it seems nearly everyone thought i was spitting about the silly nude pic. The point is we all make mistakes of judgment, and sometimes annoy the piss out of others etc, it is then natural human behaviour to get all selfrighteous and upset when the finger is pointing at you. As Slatey said
none of us are getting younger, life is too short! This is a good site but a site is only as good as its members make it, right? so how about a general truce? I officially apologise to anyone I have upset in any way at any time, sorry for calling you a pain astro, i think i have upset you the most ,my apologies, also my apologies to the slates, i honestly meant no harm or disrespect by posting the booby pic, i geuinly forgot about kids, forum rules, the stp pic fiasco the lot, i just saw this funny pic and whacked it on withjout thinking at all. Sorry. I did intentionally delay removing it, to wind people up, for that im sorry too, i sometimes have a warped sense of humour, what can i say? im a product of my upbringing. sorry Stevo and pop, you were justified in your outrage because you didnt know it was a geuine error of judgement and thats because I didnt tell you till you had me tied to the stake, so to speak. I also want to point out that I left a link to the pic, not to antagonise you all further but because i didnt take the time to read the forum rules, which no doubt rule out links to nude pics aswell. Had I known the link was unacceptable i would have removed that aswell. again my apologies to all. This whole silly thing has blown out to nitemare proportions and you all no doubt now have a much distorted negative opinion of me as some kind of a**hole, seen through the red tinted glasses of anger and outrage, which honestly couldnt be further from the truth. Some of you met me and thats the person i really am, I dont make a habit of rubbing people the wrong way, in real life Ive met very few people i didnt like and very few that didnt like me. Its very easy to become someone your not on the internet, your just typing away and those people are just names on the screen.there is no sense of reality or emotional control that is natural in company in the flesh, hence limited prohibitions and a tendancy to sometimes behave contrary to real life. its too easy to beleive that unlike real people[in the flesh] that these names on a computer screen have feelings, or a right opinion, even if its contrary to your own. you cant see there faces, you cant tell how there feeling, you cant read body language. those of you that i have met personally, i want to apologise especially, in the flesh i would shake your hand ansd apologise most sincerly. words on a screen have little impact as i said, you cant see my face, you cant tell that i really mean it, but i do, this is how i mean that its easy to be a different person online. as for coming back the next day, i guess that just shows what a good site it is and how entertaining you all are, even if your cranky as hell at me. anyway im tired of this stuff and id much rather be cheerful and freindly to all, regardless your opinion of me, so i will be making a big effort to remember that even though your not physically present , i should treat you as though you were. ~ Dan
well ty RR as I'm sure the vast majority of members will.
I am not in chat dissing whoever out constantly as has happened with many other members nor am I trying to pull a crowd to follow my actions to start a lynch mob type community against those I feel are beneath me or inferior to me which has also happened against numerous members

APS chat is no longer a feature of this website, so what are you talking about?
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