Steve and Becka to them self.

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Well my opinion, for what it's worth is that any reference to anything that happens off this site should remain there - off this site. Please stick to emails to each other - you can lambaste each other to your hearts content privately. I think that most of us would rather not see this discussion here - it's irrelevant to APS and therefore should be treated as such.

That's not directed at anyone in particular - it's just how i feel about this whole thread. Personal attacks, or replies to personal attacks, should be done via email, or as a last resort, via PM's, not via the public forum.

Personally I think this whole thread should be deleted, but that's just one peson's opinion.
That's all I'm going to say on the matter.
Actually I found it all quite entertaining:wink: :D
I was slagged off in chat too, and STP was called a PUNK !!!! - Where's this world going to ?

Forum = SITE

Lets leave it at that, at least people can defend them selves in REAL TIME :)
Actually as fare as I can see anything that happens on chat does not happen on APS chat and personally I get pissed right off when space on this forum is used to argue points which are raised on ANOTHER SITES chat channel. I spend a lot of time on this site and also check out the chat channel tied to this site regularly. The chat chanel here had problems and Slatey put a lot of effort into sorting it out for the members, members who complained about non- moderation and then, when there was moderation, about the moderation and moderators! It seems that no matter what the Slates do here there is always someone who will attack them. For Gods sake why can't we just appreciate the site as being a great resource and source of fun that it is and just act like adults? J.H.C. personally I wouldn't buy a dead rat off a lot of people here because of the way they carry on, how can you trust some prick that can't even behave in a civil manner on a forum where you have as much time as you like to think over your reply to a message? Grow up Children for Chr*sts sake!!!!! Slatey, you and your family are doing a GREAT job here and you are so much more tolerant than I would be in your position. If it was me I would be deleting a few accounts and, maybe, even charging for membership here so that some of these ungrateful ****s would go elsewhere to cause their trouble.
Slatey and Slatey J, thanks for a great site and thanks to your family to for putting up with your absence during all the time you spend administering it for us your ungrateful members. You guys are doing a great job, don't be disheartened by those few that seem to think it is great fun to upset everyone else who crosses their path.
APS for ever :)
OMG Belinda don't call yourself BB, i've had enough of bloody BBs, Not you Belinda a different BB :evil:
africancichlidau, I cannot agree with you more. Slatey and Slatey J, dont let people get you down, because this is one #&%!*$* good site and you guys are putting in a major effort! Keep up the good work!

:) Cheers, GG
Im interested Magpie.Is it a M or F and is it still at a breedable age?
It's defenitely F'n dead. Not sure how you'd go breeding though, do you have any other dead rats to breed with? You'd prabably have to defrost it first and I don't know if you could hack the smell.
Defrosting the males is not want them to be a little stiff for breeding.

Cheers Hawkeye
Hey magpie, just something I've recently noticed. On your quote thing, it has 5 weeks till hatching, and last week it was 6. What are you waiting for?
LMAO..The dead rat thing! Thats more like it, I love a laugh, Africa , fangs? comedic input? :D p.s ive got a whole bunch of dead rats, male and female, ive "cooled" the hell out of em but the buggers havent tangoed yet! maybe they are "just resting"? :D[like the monty python parrot] :D
I reckon my mice get it on in the freeza...I always seem to have more pinkies then I thought....:?
Speaking of pinkie mice, how do you kill them? Fuzzies as well?
Play them "The very best of Tony Barber" works every time, but wear hearing protection, prolonged exposure can prove fatal to humans too!
I'll buy it off you Maggie but not till I've seen pics of it and the parents. What phase is it? How do you ship dead rats and will I need to get an import permit?
How will you assess its health when it arrives africa? bang it on table and shout"wake up rat"? lmao
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