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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2003
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either fishing or not
Howdy folks, a few mates were just up Cape York, I couldn't get there this year :cry: On the property that we go to they ran into a big mob of blokes piled into the usual cruiser utes with tinnies on top. Turned out they worked for Steve Irwin and had been there for five weeks trapping salties and fitting them with some sort of transmitter to follow their movements in the coming wet season. Steve himself flew in via helicopter for filming and stuff. Can't blame him there, it's a hellish 4wd bash to get in there - and if I had a squillion dollars I'd do the same thing! He's already done the hard yards long ago. The biggest croc they caught was five and a half metres!
Me, I love the guy. All you knockers out there would you rather watch some boring monotone bookworm or somebody that is genuinely passionate about what he's doing and full of go? There's plenty of talkers and knockers in this world but very few real doers, that's a shame I reckon.
Bye, Steve.
My mum, rest her soul, always told me that if I couldn't say something nice about someone not to say anything at all, and, on this occasion, I will just take her advice :)
Steve Irwin fills a very important niche in the natural presentation ecology, though I much prefer David Attenborough. His shows are entertaining and more or less educational. Some things he says I disagree with but the world would be poorer without him. Anything that makes the average Joe more reptile freindly is a good thing
Here here, David attenborough Rocks! long live the doco king! :D
I love when this topic comes up lol.
IMO Steve is a smarter man than anyone else in here.
Whether you like or dislike him he plays the role of WACKY perfectly,and lets face it the Americans love zany antics and that is where the money is.When it comes to making a dollar why would you want to act like the stereotyped hilly billy Aussie talking in strange lingo? You dont hear of the leyland brothers success to the same effect do you? Steve can act wacky and accomodate every countries preferance,hitting stardom not only in Australia but worldwide.Whats more he has done more for conservation,education & awareness than any other herpetologist...

They should cancel the American tv show COPS and replace it with Australian corruption hosted by Ray Hoser...
I think that Steve have long way to go to be put side to side with Leyland brothers.
Steve is great! I really like him and I really hate those pesky impersonators...I'd like to see them face to face with a 5 metre croc...I wonder what they'd do then aye?
Slateman said:
I think that Steve have long way to go to be put side to side with Leyland brothers.
..........Or Sir David Attenborough! :D
Sir David Attenborough rose to the near top of the BBC management but has "dropped out" so that he can make docos. Good on him. And his intense mannerisms make him an ideal target for those pesky impersonators.
I don't know if anyone has seen the Rob Bredl shows, apperently he is doing USA cable at the moment (at that site he says he has ONLY had 28 croc bites). I can remember one of his home grown shows, where he attempted to pick up a yellow-faced whip snake, got fanged and immediatly started trying to suck the poison out!
Well he might die young but at least he ...Oh no, I won't go there :-D Who knows, maybe in my next life I will worship King Croc of Caboolture too :)
Just in case you wanted more Steve info - They will be playing a large part in a breeding program for.....RIHNOS !!!!

I'm looking at selling him the railway line they want to use for the fencing of them, and that's heavy stuff - I think they will be arriving in a month or so.
cool. He's also starting up a croc hunter theme park and a croc hunter relatity tv show.
africancichlidau said:
Well he might die young but at least he ...Oh no, I won't go there :-D Who knows, maybe in my next life I will worship King Croc of Caboolture too :)
im with fishhead. i think the guy is great! his shows are great and his zoo is great as well. i would like to hear the name of one person who has done more for conservation than him.
Me too Tommo! I tottally dis-agree Marc...Steve is a great, and he is definately NOT a bussiness man! He loves his work and he LOVES the animals...
One thing I have found in every hobby whether it be herpetology,aquarium,aviary etc is that the word HOBBY & BUSINESS can't be used in the same sentence lol.Every writing you read I garuntee when it comes to the "breeding topic" the 1st thing written is "you are mistaken if you think you will profit from breeding".I find all this the height of good humour.After all who would breed if they were losing money? or even just breaking even with the annual costs of feeding etc,if that was the case there wouldnt be so many people wanting to breed.Furthermore if you bred $150 coastals and broke even wouldnt you make a profit breeding $1000 BHP seen as theyd roughly use the same amount of electricity,food etc etc?Also just about every person in the hobby will say "you should breed for conservation or because you enjoy the animal,not cus you want to make a dollar" but lets face reality here everyone wants the highest priced animals for this exact same reason true?Anyways I agree with Marc that Steve is a businessman as well as a conservationalist (and as I have said previously this is mainly due to terri pushing him to stardom etc).But I feel that him making a living off he's enjoyed hobby should be seen as an achievement not a discredit to he's name.After all who wouldn't want to stay home and look after there animals to pay bills rather than flip burgers or do manual labour.Not to mention writing books or doing tv shows etc,whether that is for conservation or not it is still making you money whether you class it as a business or not.Again editors of books will say they make no profits but if this is the case why would they want to re-edit there last books or write more new ones? Conservation? yea sure but ya cant tell me the pay out from such things are not profits...
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