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steve is a champ!!! and attenborough is the most borin person around. Belinda u say steve is not a buissness man...i think ur wrong as he appears on a lot of adds now including advertising things apart from conservation (toyota adds), but could all u cridicks honestly say that if u owned ur own zoo and had the chance to earn a few more million dollars that u would turn the offer down?
IMO wes manion is a bloody legend and really knows wat he is on about.
Marc, hav u met Wes? i dont think that he would say steve is a fake.
Anyway, wes isnt completely left in the many of his shows wes appears if not co-stars along side steve and all the time steve is commenting on the knowledge of his "best mate" wes.
Well said - Misty. Keeping animals is expensive, you can offset your costs and increase your collection through breeding and if you are realy good, make a living at it (but the real money is in the things required to keep animals, cages, food and those cute little top hat and tails you can force your pets to wear).
As for old stevo, initially he was lucky but the fact that he is able to stay in the game and continue to make money implies intellegence. As I said before he plays an important part for conservation, and his shows are entertaining and I liked my visit to his zoo. At that time he had a breeding colony of prenties (but they were not on display :( )
But after saying all that, he throws more than his fair share of clangers.
marc said:
there are far better environmentalist than Irwin, I stopped liking him as soon as he knocked Sir David Attenborough on Denten, He is a fake and is a business man, and that is it, he takes the credit for others hard work, eg "Wes Manion" if any body deserves the credit he should, he is a herp man, the doing all breeding such as green pythons and the varanus keithhorni, not steve sure he and terri wrote the artical in the herpetofauna and not once did he mention Wes, and I think that sucks.
Marc, I dont think Steve actually "knocked" sir david as such, from what i remember he said something to the effect of him[Sir David] catering to a different/older audience. Atleast thats how i took it. Steve would have to be smart enough not to bad mouth a guy like David on tv.
Ackie, i remem,ber your comments about David being boring, something about the mating habits of the colombian ground moth? lol but are you aware that Sir David is just as well educated about reptiles as any other species or plants. To be a specialist in herps is one thing, but to be so knowledgable about such a huge range of animals and plants as Sir David is , is to me Quite impressive! :D
LOL excellent.
Someone with 1st hand knowledge of how things are run at the zoo and about Steve himself.Do we have any more takers to argue their point against Marcs :p
I think what you described of Steve he sounds pretty arrogant.I have heard similar about hes attitude in general.BUT I still like he's show :p

And Belinda I think somebody that writes books,does tv documentries,interviews,comercials,movies and shows,runs a public zoo,has products such as toy figurines of themselves is pretty much a business man :p
I'ts just a TV show..... jeez, it's not even real life! ;)
It is interesting to see opinion of youngsters and mature people on this subject.
Well written Marc. Your experiance just confirmed to me that i had right idea about him from beginning.
I think Steve has done alot to promote Australia and its Wildlife and more importantly the awesome diversity of our Reptiles, good on him, some one needed to.
He might not come across as a well educated professor but i reckon he has probably forgot more than ill ever know about reptiles.
He has taken his passion and created an empire, good on him, ill take my hat off to him, hes a legend.
JUST MY OPINION - Could be wrong but i doubt it - im always right, just ask my wife..........
well that shuts me up :)
nah i still dont think that attenborough is cool, his voice is so bloody boring.
I love his voice and mannerisms, AND he dosent say bloody "CRICKEY" every few minutes! moreover you see more of what hes talking about than his face. he has more intellegent information to impart about his subject than "what a beauty". He dosent harrass his subjects,
and he shows humility and awe inthe face of natuures marvels, you can see he is passionate about nature, not about being on tv! long live Sir David!!!!
damn u ppl, now i dont no who to believe :S. Ohh well stev and wes are still cool.
No-one can fault Steve on his "enthusiam" for wildlife irrespective of country of origin but i think the man needs to have a little more humility to giving credit to the fact that he is not a one man dynamo. He obviousy has a top notch PR team, his financial advisor would just be piddling his pants with joy and as for all the staff at his park who do the hard yakka promoting Steve's good name while he is filming all these remarkable docos not much is ever said about these guys.

Anyway, that's why the T.V comes with a built in feature allowing you to switch the channel and ladies I guess we should all be offering a prayer of sympathy to Terri who has him for better of for worse.
I don't do any catching for NPWS, but I would like to. I have rescued many a snake/lizard from people who know me though...

How do you get in with NPWS?
Yeah but the last thing I want is NPWS harrassing me. I've got nothing to hide, but I'd still like to do it legit...

The knee didn't hurt when I did it, I was sitting there laughing at how deformed it was. But the day after, oh sh^t that hurt.
Yeah, it only happened a month ago. Doctors are pretty impressed, I already have 25% movement back, which is unheard of. At this rate, I'll be walking with a slight limp in a month, and should be back racing mountain bikes and dirt bikes in 2-3 months.
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