For a start if she is in hibrenation she is dead!
They Brumate not hibernate!
Most sub adult and adult stimmies will stop eating will go off their food at this time of the year, They do this regardless of what temps they are kept at, Its part of their natural cycle and wont start to eat untill the spring season comes around
Ok Thanks, So i should just keep offering food, or wait til spring? She has not shed since i have had her and i have had her for 8-9 weeks, she ate once the fourth day i had her. Shes around 2-3 years old, looks fully grown.
My Stimson stopped a few weeks ago. I changed from a heat mat to a 150w ceramic globe so I get increased ambient temperature (as opposed to just surface temp) through the whole enclosure. Hot spot currently fluctuates 28-31 degrees (cold spot is around 22-24) and he's back on his food.
I only use a Red Globe 150 W, and mount it pointing diagonally so it gives better ambients, before it was pointed straight down, so now i get a better heat gradient. But still wont feed.
My hatching DP didn't eat after being moved to his new home here, took him back to pete and he just force fed some food via a syringe (not a lot) to try kick start the snake to remind it that it was infact a snake and needed to eat...
3 days after she was ravenous and ate 2 pinkies that was about 30-40% her total weight.. and last night she ate another pinky so maybe try it?