stimmy hasnt eaten in 5 weeks

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Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2010
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Perth, WA
Hey Guys- i own 2 one year old stimsons pythons from the same clutch. They've never had feeding problems before and even though im not worried, im interested to ask this question:

The male of the pair (bigger by about 4 inches) hasn't eaten in 5 weeks. He was offered food the day after his shed and didnt take it. He's been offered food every 5 days or so without taking it- he doesnt have a sniff, he goes towards it then jerkily pulls away very quickly. We've then offered the same food to the other stimmy which is gobbled down in seconds. I know that snakes often stop eating for many weeks at a time, and he doesn't seem to have lost weight. The thing that is causing my curiosity is that he is very active- out during the afternoons, mornings and at night time, when the other is usually in her hide. This is not unusual, but his activity usually increases when he's hungry, so he seems hungry but won't eat. I did consider that he had gone off the hoppers we bought two months ago, so went and got some pinkies and tried him on those too- he did sniff for a longer period before turning away but still didnt take them.

How long can i leave him without eating before getting a bit concerned, and what do you think this behaviour means?

Thanks in advance

Oh, and you'll probably all ask- hot side is 33 degrees, cold side 23 degrees :p
I had an issue with a jungle that went 3 months and still was in good condition
Have you changed from mice to rats or anything like that the scent of the prey item could be scaring him?
They can go off the food for months without any problems,ive had some that will only eat 3-5months during the year,however they were adults.I wouldnt worry at this stage.Keep offering every week-two during the times hes active.
Don't stress.

We have a male Childrens python who is around 3 now, and at around 12 months, started refusing feeds during Winter.
Though we kept up the daytime heat, he knew what was best for him, and steadfastly refused to eat until it warmed up again (so, around 3-4 months)
We make sure we keep his food up to him when he is eating so he comes through winter just fine :)

It was a worry when this first happened, as he was our first snake, and I thought he would wither away and die.
Actually I was worried, my son never was :lol:
Its a totally normal thing for adult stimmies to do at this time of year and in particular the males, They remain active at all stages even through brumation.
Basicly nothing to worrie about.
as beeman said, usually one thing on a male antaresia's mind, and it isn't food.

i have an adult childreni (male) that eats about 6-10 times a year, and thats only on 10g quail, no interest in anything else. Was a champion feeder for a few years, now he's a champion at "cuddles" with as many girls he can find.
if they have fed fairly regularly during the past year there is no need to concern yourself. this time of year many snakes will go off their food and start to go into brumation.

so do it earlier in the year than others, some at an earlier age, some don't at all if you keep the heat on. they can last a very long time without food. at worst it will cool itself and resume feeding probably around late august/early september.
That's so crazy! And with it being so warm in perth, but you're right, he's often propped up on the branch out of the way of the heat mat, so he must be cooling himself down! Wow... never thought it'd be this early. The female certainly is eating wonderfully :)
males typically go off their food earlier than females.

all my snakes have gone off their food a little earlier this year, and it is still pretty warm. something in the air from all this crazy weather we've been having.

you can still offer food every week or two if you wanted, maybe defrost one rodent and offer it to him first, if he's not interested give it to the female. saves you throwing out unwanted food if you dont have other animals that will eat it.
I had a brown tree snake that never ate for 5 months when we got him, and I was panicking after 3 months after the 4th month he started to drop a bit of weight and then bang ate 8 pinkies in a row, now I don't really worry if he hasn't eaten for 6 to 7 weeks, they will eat when they are ready.
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