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Hi, Ive had it for just over 2 weeks, so far I understand as the enclosure wasnt hot enough, I moved her a fe times , finally now have her in a larger 4cm x 4cm vivarian with hot end 32-35 cold end whatever the ambient temp of the house is. he explores, will mostly handle, he is seemingly happy . BUT still wont eat. The pet shop gave me the feeding lit and he hasnt eaten since the 8th aug, with the breeder he was eating every 5 days or so, the shop once a week. Im getting concerned. He was atleast showing interest (tongue flicking etc) now nothing. I hand it to him on tongs, i leave it over night, i have even hassled him with it. NADA! How long to i panic? I have noticed he is starting to look a bit dull, not sure if its pre shed or not as ive never owned a snake, the eyes arnt milky or anything, just noticed this morning a bit dull, mainly in his mid section. Maybe Im just imagining it lol Anyway, advice would be good.:shock: