This, i feel maybe a good time to share my experience with my python and our swival desk chair.
November last year my son and I had our MD on the chair pad and he ever so quickly slid up under the chair and into the plastic constatina tubing that holds the back rest and seat together. Being inexperienced and not knowing what to do (except hold onto the little guys tail so he wont go up any further) i grabed a knife, ....guessing where he was or rather wasnt, i started slicing through the plastic. After parting the plastic i found our guy only to my horror i cut him also

The poor fellow slid out and and i was horrified, i dont think i have ever felt so bad in my life. My son was crying and i felt sick.
It was very late at night so we popped him back into his enclosure not sure if he would make it through the night.
I couldnt sleep, i was pacing the floor feeling very sick. My son was devastated.
In the morning our guy was still alive so we rang around for a reptile vet... none available, so we made an appointment to see a regular vet thinking at least they could clean the wound give antibiotics and make another appointment ASAP to see a rep vet.
The next day our MD was booked in for surgery, when we picked him up, i was told that i had broken some ribs, sliced through his thyroid gland and i think just missing his heart?
$$$ later he came home with 4 stitches, he wasnt allowed to eat anything until his next checkup.
After his check up we fed him tails, then he went back to pinkies for several weeks, then velvets, then weiners (this was the size he was eating when he got hurt) and now almost a year later he is on two weiners.
To this day i think back to that night and i still feel sick and a lot of guilt.
I can post pics if any is interested.