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Not so new Member
Nov 12, 2005
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Many will have heard by now that Diane and I have decided to retire from serious reptile breeding and from running Southern Cross Reptiles. In the 20 years Diane and I have been together, we have never been able to take a decent holiday together because of all the reptiles. Once the collection grew to over 1,000 animals it became almost impossible to have any sort of holiday together.

With our sixties on the near horizon, we feel it important to free ourselves to do some travelling while we still have our health. And something else all you youngsters wouldn’t think about is that our hands are buggered from cleaning cages and washing hundreds and hundreds of water bowls – it’s certainly something we won’t miss.

A large portion of the collection, the cages, incubators, rat and mouse breeding facilities, baby racks, web site and so are being taken over by a much younger couple named Steve and Missy. We have known them for a long time and Steve has worked for Southern Cross Reptiles for the last 3+ years. Both are very down to earth, reliable and honest people. I’m sure you will be hearing a lot more from them in the future.

We still have a lot of outstanding stock that we plan to gradually part with over the next 12 months. The variety of pythons we are still to sell is very diverse and if you can think of it we will probably be parting with it at some stage.
Because I always enjoyed running the snake auctions, I’ve had a go at building an automated auction site to sell a portion of our animals. Typically these snakes will be some of the more interesting stuff, but there will be something there to interest most tastes. At the moment, we are auctioning hypo bredli, albinos, a couple of the more unusual Antaresia, an Aussie GTP, a caramel Coastal and a pair of Olives.

You can access the site by clicking on the auction icon on our home page or directly by going to SXR Australian Reptile Auctions | Make your bid!

We are not parting with all our snakes but we are going to keep it to a very small group. We intend to hold onto a pair of GTPs, Destiny (the paradox female albino) and a male albino named Orion which is bright gold and white. I’m also going to keep my favourite snake Brutus, a 17 year old male olive … and we’ll probably keep one Marble Childreni for nostalgia. It shouldn’t be too hard to find someone to look after our 6 snakes so we can take lots of extended holidays!

I also have a few snakes that I’m going to give away on APS to folk that otherwise wouldn’t be able to access them. Why will we do that when we are quitting… because we can and the hobby has been very good to us. It won’t be through contests, just for people that we think should be given a break. I’ll be back on APS in a while to explain how I’d like to go about this.

Although its not goodbye yet, we’d like to give our best wishes to all the people that have been so good to deal with and those that have been a positive influence on the hobby. To all the whingers and those with negative attitudes that like to criticise everyone else that doesn’t agree with them, I guess there is always hope that you’ll change your ways.

Happy herping.
You both deserve the break
Thankyou so much for all your great work over many many years
Sound like you both deserve a break...You and Diane were great to deal with and great to chat with...Best of luck in the future
Dear Simon and Diane
I have 4 snakes I finally got from you guys after spending two years paying them off. It was a long time waiting but I have told everyone I know, that your snakes were/are well worth the wait. I could never have afforded to pay that sort of money up front but yours and my patience paid off. I was more than happy to wait the time out to acquire your animals. My snakes are now yearlings - pair jungles and a pair hypo bredli. The jungle boy still looks like he's been painted, the colours on him are absolute incredible. I couldn't have asked for a better lot of snakes. They all look better than the awesome photos on your website. Thank you so much for your patience with me paying just $30 a week, and I wish you the very best for your future.
Thanks for your contributions to the hobby guys. I hope whoever takes the business over from you is as passionate
Thanks for the positive words. Its been a heap of fun and I've met some super people but yes I feel like I really need a break. Getting old is the pits, but I guess its an inbcurable disease we all have to suffer eventually. One of my favourite past times is going bush and hunting herps. I hope to do lots more ... so I'm not giving up the reptiles just the breeding and feeding and cleaning and selling and ... In fact, I have a geat trip planned in July ... and next year I'm going herping in Costa Rica :)
Enjoy your time away together, all the best with your future plans :)
Thanks for your time & patience with many emails, phone calls etc....... I learnt a heap from you.......
Yes Saximus Steve is passionate (and so is Missy). His appetite for the snakes seems never ending. He knows more about the snakes we have than I know and he's always pulling something out to show me how unusual it is of how great the pattern or the colours are. He has a good eye when it comes to detecting husbandry issues and breeding too. Time for a handover ...
Good luck with your future expeditions, sounds like fun. You guys have played a huge part in herpetology over the yrs & it is greatly appreciate by all.
jinjajoe .... let me say I've enjoyed the hell out of meeting you and all those hundreds of emails. Have you convinced your lady yet in the virtues of reptiles? I reckon you've got a lot of natural talent and will do well (for a Pom) ... and by the way I'm out of Bundy ...Mate ...

Hi Patty and Alby ...
Giving some of your animals away is a very Nobel thing to do....... It's good to know that there are still compassionate people such as yourselves out there. Best of luck in your travels, I hope you have a wild time 
well done SXR for all you have done to the hobby,
I remember the first time i came across your site and some of the amazing reptiles,,,
I even remember i had to email you just to tell you how they were veiwed by me as some of the most amazing specimins i had ever seen.
I got a reply from you the next day and i thought that was great of you to do it...

Its good to see that there were still some people doing all the right things and be able to make something of it...

it will be sad to see you go, but all good things must come to an end and im sure you will be passing the place on to peole who will do you proud..
Yes Saximus Steve is passionate (and so is Missy). His appetite for the snakes seems never ending. He knows more about the snakes we have than I know and he's always pulling something out to show me how unusual it is of how great the pattern or the colours are. He has a good eye when it comes to detecting husbandry issues and breeding too. Time for a handover ...

Simon and Diane, 'though I don't have any of "your" animals, I know quite a few that do. They all are thrilled with both the animals and service they got from you guys. With this, I wish you both all the very best for your future "golden" years together! Go get 'em guys! :)

All the best,
Thanks again for the positive comments najanaja and Geck82. Please forgive me but I usually don't find the time to get onto the forums and so I haven't a clue who most of the usernames belong too.

The reptile bug is an addictive thing. One of my other afflictions is collecting reptile books. I've got thousands and thousands that go back as far as the mid 15th century - when the first book on reptiles of the world was written in Latin by a fellow called Gessner and included unusual species like Sea Serpents (the sort that eat people). I wonder what geographic variation there is in Sea Sepents and if there are any naturally occuring morphs we could work with...
Thanks again for the positive comments najanaja and Geck82. Please forgive me but I usually don't find the time to get onto the forums and so I haven't a clue who most of the usernames belong too.

The reptile bug is an addictive thing. One of my other afflictions is collecting reptile books. I've got thousands and thousands that go back as far as the mid 15th century - when the first book on reptiles of the world was written in Latin by a fellow called Gessner and included unusual species like Sea Serpents (the sort that eat people). I wonder what geographic variation there is in Sea Sepents and if there are any naturally occuring morphs we could work with...

Not sure about Sea Serpents but there are a couple of Dragons at my work....but working with them is the problem!!!
Good luck on everything! Thank you so much for all the emails regarding GTPs albinos and RPMs you helped me so much!
Thanks for everything!
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