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Firstly I'd like to say thanks for your enormous contributions to the hobby Simon & Diane. SXR has been a long time sponsor, patron and supporter of the hobby and APS in particular.. Many on here remember the generous SXR albino morelia give aways and countless other fantastic animals through competitions over the years on this site. Thanks guys and congratulations on all you achieved in the hobby, you've always been one of the leaders in my opinion.

We known each other for a considerable time now and had many dealings through SXR. I consider you both personal friends more than anything and I want to thank you both for all the help and advice you've given me over this time. It's been invaluable and adapted into the backbone of most of my methods and husbandry I use and has contributed greatly to whatever success I've had with my animals.

And lets not forget the fantastic SXR animals. Most were purchased from you guys without even seeing a picture of the animal I was buying :lol: but everything I ever received from SXR was a fantastic top quality animal that actually exceeded my expectations. Thanks guys for always looking after me with fantastic animals, and an extra big thank you to Diane in this regard - thanks Di :) There's very few people in this hobby that I really trust but you both are included in this small group and have never let me down.

Wishing you both all the very best in your retirement and future. take care guys
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Looked after me well, too, with fantastic looking animals. Their generosity and kindness made it possible for me to own snakes as beautiful as someone with more money should've had.
Dear Simon and Diane
I have 4 snakes I finally got from you guys after spending two years paying them off. It was a long time waiting but I have told everyone I know, that your snakes were/are well worth the wait. I could never have afforded to pay that sort of money up front but yours and my patience paid off. I was more than happy to wait the time out to acquire your animals. My snakes are now yearlings - pair jungles and a pair hypo bredli. The jungle boy still looks like he's been painted, the colours on him are absolute incredible. I couldn't have asked for a better lot of snakes. They all look better than the awesome photos on your website. Thank you so much for your patience with me paying just $30 a week, and I wish you the very best for your future.

I just noticed your post kathy.. what a fantastic story and thanks for sharing..
thats an awesome looking jungle too!

Looked after me well, too, with fantastic looking animals. Their generosity and kindness made it possible for me to own snakes as beautiful as someone with more money should've had.

sometimes it's not the money that counts at all kathy and its the satisfaction knowing that a ripper animal that you've produced has gone to someone like you that deserves it and that really appreciates it.. Its something that I've noticed lately a few times and I've gotten more of a buzz from the thrill and excitement of the purchaser's reaction to the snake I bred and sold them than anything else. And was pleased that this holdback quality went to someone that will appreciate and enjoy owning it probably much much more than someone who might have paid twice the money for it but not appreciated it half as much..
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will the SXR site stay up as is? or will their be a total overhaul?
will the very helpfull noob pages stay up? i have sent sooo many people to SXR to read the Doc articles
if the site does change please get this page saved :)
Thank you so much. I purchased two albino darwin yearlings from you last November (thank you for letting me pay them off as well) and they are just the most amazing snakes I have ever seen or held (Esmerelda and my own Orion!). They are my absolute babies. You both deserve success and happiness in whatever you try your hand at next - particularly holidays (lol). Good luck and thank you both.
Thanks everyone for all the positive comments and all the PMs. To be honest, Diane and I find it a bit overwhelming and it makes it all harder. In answer to the questions about SXR and the website etc. Yes it will all continue except under the management of Steve and Missy. There are no plans to change the web site now. Diane and I will continue to be intimately involved with the business for the next 12 months but slowly Steve and Missy will take over. We will gradually sell down our remaining stock and Steve and Missy will increase their SXR stock as they breed more animals. This coming season they have taken over all our breeding animals (except for few specials) and will then be selling those offspring next year. As to how the web site develops in a year's time and on into the future, that will be up to Steve and Missy. However, I've still got a backlog of things I'd like to write about and I intend to write a few more articles yet that hopefully will be helpful.

I'm only 19 and computer illiterate, LOL, I couldn't even make a website, let alone a functioning bidding system.

Ducati, eh? Do you follow motogp? Rossi is riding them now, he's not doing so well this season. I love Ducati's, I don't have a road bike yet, though. Got any bike tours planned now that you have the time? I hear that cambodia is good if you're into enduro at all.

Speaking of costa rica (you said you were heading that way), I have the chance to go next year with uni as a volunteer, but it will cost me a few grand, so I'm not sure if I'll be able to get over there. If I do, I'll be relocating leatherback turtles

Have a good one, mate.

Nothing wrong with being 19 ... want to swap :) Yes I love to watch the motogp. This is the first Ducati I've owned. I used to road race but these days I just enjoy scratching around the Adelaide Hills. The Multistrada is serious weapon. Motorcycles are fun but dangerous. Snakes are fun but their danger comes in the form of serious addiction, so you need to wary of both ...
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One day i will be the proud owner of one of your gorgeous snakes! Thanks for all the hard work that you have put in over the years!
All the best with your well deserved retirement! Costa Rica will be amazing...
Only new to the hobbie, but your articles have been a great help and the woma/champagne article was so great I bought my first Woma after reading it.
Massive props to you and Di, mate. You guys have propelled the industry forward over the years with your work on locale and designer snakes, python mutations and animals that used to be seldom seen in captivity. Not to mention the knowledge you've freely shared with aspiring breeders and hobbyists alike. The industry will miss you two!

Enjoy your break, guys.
Nothing wrong with being 19 ... want to swap :) Yes I love to watch the motogp. This is the first Ducati I've owned. I used to road race but these days I just enjoy scratching around the Adelaide Hills. The Multistrada is serious weapon. Motorcycles are fun but dangerous. Snakes are fun but their danger comes in the form of serious addiction, so you need to wary of both ...

That's great, yeah they are dangerous but I always ride within my limits :) I'd love to have a go at some track days once I get a decent road bike. I'd like to go for a 600, quick, but still relatively nimble. I've had a quick squirt on a ZX12R and it was a heavy beast.

I know what you mean about the addiction, I got in way over my head with two jungle pythons, and adopted one with a spinal deformity, but I wouldn't swap them for the world. It's thoroughly enjoyable owning snakes! :D
Thank you to you both for contributing so much to our hobby. I hope you both realise your snakes gave many of us reasons to save our money, and dreams of one day owning such beautiful animals. Enjoy your retirement and travels.
Congrats on the retirement Doc.
I've never had anything to do with you, only been new to the hobby, but i have admired the website and pictures for many hours. I've read every article at least a half dozen times and although i'm only a newbie i can tell that the australian herping scene is far better off for having had you involved. I'm currently whinging at the wife about a pair of Stimsons in the auction.

Ducatis eh, my brother has one of the current 1098's, weapon is an understatement, it's the only bike i've ever been on that actually physically attacks you, boy it's fun!

All the best and don't be a stranger to the site, i'm sure all of us will enjoy seeing the pics from your herping adventures, where ever they may take you.
Where to start with the thank yous for you and Diane?!
1. Thank you for my magnificent girl, Shakura (in my signature), from the most recent "Win an Albino" contest.
2. Thank you for her magnificent albino mate, Ra, whom I purchased last year.
3. Thank you for your supportive and encouraging emails when I was cooling, breeding, or just generally marvelling over what wonderful animals I had gotten from you.
4. Thank you for the articles on your website which are the most helpful reading I've encountered. I constantly refer new keepers to these because they are just SO good!
5. Thank you for supporting this hobby for so long and for developing so many magnificent lines of pythons. They are a constant source of wonder and temptation to all of us.
I'm sure the list should go on and on. I hope that you and Diane get a chance to enjoy your canine companions and to travel together for a change. You most certainly deserve to do so. I will eagerly await more articles and news of your travels, as well as breeding projects from Steve and Missy.
Thanks pythonmum, Dan40D, Darkhourse, Den, Mimaki, newtolovingsnake, and everyone else. .. Got home a short while ago from riding the Ducati ... perfect day which started with looking at my snakes and then riding through the Adelaide Hills with my friends and then coming home and looking at my snakes and feeding a few babes ... time to watch a movie.
I am proud to have SXR animals as part of my collection. All the best in your retirement and next phase of your adventures.

Will the marbles be available to the hobby soon???? that would be a nice parting gift :)
Will the marbles be available to the hobby soon???? that would be a nice parting gift
Good one yommy - I wasn't planning on giving the marbles away. I do plan to breed them one more time this season and then I'll sell the project early in the New Year.
Thanks for the positive words.
I got my beautiful Uluru woma girl Squiggle from SXR and Dianne was kind enough to send both the male from another breeder and female together saving me a fair bit on freight. She also got me to send a photo of the male and hand picked her to go with him. Thanks so much for her and good luck in the future.
Good one yommy - I wasn't planning on giving the marbles away. I do plan to breed them one more time this season and then I'll sell the project early in the New Year.
Thanks for the positive words.

hahaha They will have a wonderful home with myself and Garth. LOL
Hi All,

Some of you have already dealt with Steve and I, but most of you haven't so we thought now would be a good time to say hi. For all of those who have dealt with SXR over the years, you will know that the task ahead of us is a massive one - we have HUGE shoes to fill when it comes to providing top quality animals, and delivering great service. There has been many a meal/meeting and quite a few years of hard work to get to the point where all 4 of us know that we are up to keeping SXR going at the highest standard which is expected as well as getting our mindset where it needs to be, with regards to continuing the exciting projects we currently have whilst also keeping a look out for new projects to keep SXR going for years to come. As Doc mentioned, we will be keeping the SXR website as is (why change something that is not broken and works so well) and have a very strong bond and friendship with Simon & Di, so will continue to converse with them as time progresses.................what can I say, we have come a long way from the young couple they met 10 years ago collecting one of every species of python!

We understand that there will be a transition period for people to adjust to these legends of reptiles pulling back from the industry, but we hope to be given the opportunity to make a good and lasting impression on all of you as they have done before us.

Happy herping!!

I was devastated when I found out you were retiring but overjoyed for you at the same time. Thanks to a friend who put me in touch with you, I purchased my first snake. A gorgeous gamon range female (Lolly), she is such a beautiful snake and have just started paying off a male. I have also had the pleasure of dealing with Steve and Melissa, I have just put my name down for a pair of Topaz Womas. They are very friendly and easy to talk to.
Thanks for all your help, you will be missed!

Thanks for your lovely kind words - you have been fantastic to deal with also!!

Look forward to sending your gorgeous animals to you
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Missy and Steve SXR change hands

Firstly Unlike most thankyou too Missy and Steve to introducing me to SXR and to simon and Di almost 6 years ago now.

All the best to these great people in Simon and Di, I wouldn;t have my 3 great looking pythons if it wasn;t for them. Especially my jungles. Thx

For all those that are unaware of Missy and Steve. Well what can I say, couldn't have picked two better people for SXR. With Steve's attention to detail and knowledge and Missy's compassion, business sense and well (good Looks). What a team. Who am i kidding aven steve is a good looking cat.

Congrats Simon and Di, enjoy your time off and thank you for leaving my two fav people with your incredible SXR business.

Best of luck to you all!!!!
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