Taiming the Lace Monitor

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2006
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I currently have 2 ackies and I really like Lace Monitors.
Please I dont want a heated debate about handling allthough I am open to any advice and healthy criticisum.
My question is can you taim a Lace Monitor?
I was told that at the Sydney expo there was a lady walking around with a full grown Lacy. Which brings me to ask this question. :D
That was a spencers monitor, but yes lacies tame up well too. You will need to get a hatchling (best straight from the egg) and handle it as much as possible for the first year, the more contact it has with people the tamer it will be. If you are the only one who handles it, it will get to know you but still may act up around other people. Never allow children or non-herpers to handle though as one bite can cause major damage. The only problem is size, males grow quite large and housing them inside could be a problem when it is a adult, and put it out side and it could turn a bit wild again if you don't regularly interact with it. And never keep it with other lacies or try to use it for breeding. They are highly intelligent and don't miss a beat.
Thanks Jason
Can I ask have you done this before? and is it easier to sex a Lacy compared to a Ackie?
Sorry one more question and it is probably a silly one,Is there any difference between the 2 sexes?
You won't be able to tell the sex as a hatchling, I have a spencers but a few friends have tamed lacies and I don't think you can compare a lacie to a ackie, they do tame easly but most get bored with them and don't handle them much and they go feral, but if you put the time in you will end up with a magnificent pet.
OK another silly Q's. How do you tame your ackies?? I just bought a trio and want to get them hand tame they are about four months old, have i missed the chance or is it still possible? They have dug themselves a maze of tunnels so it is difficult to get them out. WHat do you guys do?
It's never to late! it just hurts more! :lol: Regular handling, about 15min twice a day would do the trick. they will bite but you will have to live with it untill they (hopefully) stop.
Well i handled them a couple of times and they haven't bitten yet. The biggest problem is catching them, they rarely come out of their burrows (despite me giving them plenty of hides) and when they do as soon as they see me they run straight back down... Dirty little buggers!

Oh and Lurk... sorry for hijacking
Thats fine I understand Waruikazi.
So Jason what is the minimum I would pay for a hatchling?
keeping them in a enclosure where they can burrow and hide all day ( and keeping more than one together) will make it unlikly that they will ever be really tame, but with regular handling at least they may not want to bite you.
It's never to late! it just hurts more!
I find with the accies I've kept its easiest to just pick them up and let them climb on you, if you try to restrict them they'll struggle and won't enjoy the experience, I used to just open both sides of the cage and put my hands out and one of them would climb up each arm.
How deeper substrate do you give them? Mine have about two inches at one side and about seven at the other, does this sound OK?
How deeper substrate do you give them? Mine have about two inches at one side and about seven at the other, does this sound OK?

7inches, no wonder you can never catch them.
Mine had about 2 inches.
My lacey is 6 months old, I handle him 3-4 times per week for approx 15 -20 mins. He is getting much better. Some days it will let me pick it up quite freely, other days it puts on quite a display. I still have to wear old clothes (shirt especially) as it likes to spray me within the first minute. If I keep holding him he is ok and settles down.

I find sitting with him/ her in a quiet area for the first 5-10 minutes, letting it climb over me and around the room, getting used to the surroundings, then I walk with it around the house in short spurts so it gets used to movement and other areas.

It has been quite a little b and I have nearly sold it on 3 occassions, just couldn't do it. I hop emy patience and consistency will pay off.

I hope this info helped. You might want to PM Pete Johnson as he has a nice lil Bell phase that seems to know how to behave its self


Thanks for all your help Glimmerman.The owner of Canberra Exotics has one as some may already know now and when I was working there I fed her but rarely held her I think she is great when I did hold her I never got sprayed,I dont think I would of minded.There is a very important thing I have learnt with reptiles and that is THEY CRAP GET OVER IT :D .
So are you able to tell me how much I am looking at for a hatchling and when there season starts?
Cheers Kylie
Re: RE: Taiming the Lace Monitor

waruikazi said:
Aight i'll change... You can have your thread back now Lurk LOL :lol: :oops:
Thats fine I dont mind the odd intruder and this site is for every one so if we see something that is of interest why not join in. :D
Lurk have a look on herp trader i think there are a few up there ATM. I think price for a normal phase is around $500 and bells are a few hundred more, Could be wrong though....
I have seen them from $350 upwards. Last season I think the average $$$ was around the $500 for a common and $850+ for a Bells phase.
I think you will find that the price is due to availablility and the long incubation time. If you want one, start saving. Not for the cost of the animal....... the cost of the adult enclosure :lol:
Re: RE: Taiming the Lace Monitor

Glimmerman said:
I think you will find that the price is due to availablility and the long incubation time. If you want one, start saving. Not for the cost of the animal....... the cost of the adult enclosure :lol:

My thoughts exactly,My son has wanted me to get one for a long time but just thought na not ready for that yet.
How long does it take them to get to adult size? I know it depends on how much they are fed and the individual but just a rough idea would be helpful.
I plan to get alot more info before I really decide.Cant handle impulse shopers and I dont plan on being one. :)
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