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Very Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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Hey everyone:eek: I'm interested in expanding my collection by getting a Taipan. I've wanted one for a while now but my housemates are too scared. I've never delt with them before, every one I've seen has been locked bahind an inch of glass at zoo's, but I've heard that they are actually quite placid despite being named 'fierce snakes.' I was wondering if there was anyone out there that owns them or has had some experience with them and would be able to tell me more. Information on what sort of enclosure would be best for them would also help so I knew if I had the room and I'd love to see some pics if anyone has some. :?
Who told you they are placid? Most I have seen are extremely flighty.
just out of curiousity, but what experiences do you have in keeping others elapids?

the taipan ur actually refering to is the western taipan and i have heard they are very differnt to the coastal taipan in looks and in nature..sorry i cant help wif piks or enclosure suggestions .. but it will interesting to see if many ppl keep them..
They are not placid by any means, you are referring to a small scale snake, fierce snake, call it what you will, but it is the deadliest snake there is. They deserve respect and not something to go into lightly.

Do your homework before even contemplating getting one. Enclosures have to be entirely different to the norm.

E-mail Brian Barnett at the Herpshop as I believe he has had them some time back.
I just had a look at some of the other threads he has.
He has had experience with Tiger Snakes.
I've only had elapids for just over a year I got Tigers which have bred, red-bellies and Death Adders. All male female pairs, but havn't bred the Adders or Red-bellies. I've just heard through the grapevien they are pretty relaxed herps. That's why I started this thread, to try and hear something from first hand experience
I no the dangers of the snake, am aware that they are the deadliest. I would always show it the respect it deserves and am in no real hurry to get them. Most of the articles I have read they say how the Fierce Snakes are easy going and easy to tail. Wanted to know how much truth there is to it
ive kept quite a few of both species over the years. Some are dog tame and some are an accident waitting to happen. Young coastals can be difficult but as a rule once they get to around 4 feet they tend to calm right down. Inlands tend to be a bit calmer although 1 female i had was worse than any taipan ive ever kept even as an adult.
Everyone, even people that knwo nothing about snakes know that the taipan is one to steer very clear of not only for its deadly venom but its nature, i have been to a guys house whom had all the vens and they were all relatively relaxed, and then he got out the taipans.. FLIGHTY as anything!

Was so fast and accurate.
ive kept them in top and front opening enclosures.
Know your animals and its all good.
Thanks. Might not be a bad idea to take the Taipan off the wish list for now, get some exp first.
hey mate sounds interesting about your collection do u have any red bellies or adders to sell and where are you located or if anyone knows ofa ny for sale around gold coast brisbane area please pm me i would stay clear of the taipans i deel with them at werk and they are not fun to be around very agressive as a rule and can get very large
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