Taking your herps for a 'walk'

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Always take mine out, ther way to interested in their surrounding to run off, they usually come straight back to me anyway.
My DIAMOND loves it outside I do have a few things set out a few flat sand stone rocks a hollow log she is never in a hurry I get three beers while she explores it a win win for us both that's our arvo routine...
My Water Python has her own kiddie-wading pool in the front yard and she loves to go for a swim (and a poo) in it and then sunbathe on the heated stone tiles along the pathway.
I used to live in a place with a lush green lawn. My stimmie would cruise the lawn, her little head raised up to see over the grass. It was very cute. She has to make do with a patch of dirt and the patio here.
Am sure im going to get some stick for this but, the stimpsons ive been babysitting ive had outside on the back lawn and when i took the dog for a walk i took the python.

had him under my polo shirts collar so no one could see, had a coffee at the local shop and walked into safeway with him as well. No one knew anything, i wont be doing it again in a hurry but it got him out for a bit.
I take my jungle out in the bacyard and let him slither around every couple of days. He just sticks close to me and climbs up onto my head and when he has had enough he just slithers down and curls up under my shirt.
i took my 2 yr old bredli out on the grass today. She went exploring for a bit then decided to come back and coil near my feet and fell asleep lol
Sorry guys, I kind of forgot to check my thread for replies!

It's not that hard to run down a snake on the back lawn in a fenced in backyard...
Yeah the palm tree incident was in a fenced backyard. There was a double-storey roof right next to the palm tree which the snake could have got onto. I now live in a unit complex with a shared yard, but if my snakes were to get away from me (which I don't doubt they could do, I mean they are pretty fast when they want to be) the results could be disastrous. Tenants panicking, people trying to kill them, etc. Officially we're not even meant to have pets in the complex either, but I'm pretty sure it's illegal to prohibit pets unless it's actually cruel for the animal (e.g. in the case of dogs because they have no room to run around in a unit) and that body corporates just want you to think you can't have pets because it limits hassle for them. AND I own my unit and am actually on the body corp committee so if any issue did come up I could address it myself.

if you put big carpet pythons out near the clothsline long enough, indian minors might swoop and the snakes instinct will kick in.
Ah yep, we have those here and that would make sense. Those Mynas are aggressive!

Yeah, mine is just under a metre long, so it'd have to be a BIG kooka, but you're right. If they are around, I'm very very cautious. No point taking chances.
Even if they don't want to eat the snake, it'd make sense that they'd want to at least harm a snake because it could be a threat to any babies/eggs they might have.

And kudos to you for "promoting" snakes as something other than evil horrid things. I've had the same experience, when people who hate snakes experience mine, they often change their tune. Great stuff!!!!!!:D
I run a kind of b&b and have converted many people from snake haters or just dislikers to 'maybe they're not so bad' and convinced most to actually hold them :) Many were Europeans who have barely seen snakes at all in their lifetime and only had stereotypes in their heads before they meet my snakes, e.g. that they are creepy and feel slimy, etc.

My Water Python has her own kiddie-wading pool in the front yard and she loves to go for a swim (and a poo) in it and then sunbathe on the heated stone tiles along the pathway.
Having heard how much even non-water-dwelling pythons love water and seeing how hot it gets up here, I've been wondering how I could let my snakes go for a swim. I was thinking of a kiddie pool in my loungeroom but it'd probably get messy. Hmmm.

Am sure im going to get some stick for this but, the stimpsons ive been babysitting ive had outside on the back lawn and when i took the dog for a walk i took the python.

had him under my polo shirts collar so no one could see, had a coffee at the local shop and walked into safeway with him as well. No one knew anything, i wont be doing it again in a hurry but it got him out for a bit.
I've seen people with hatchling childrenis around their wrist in the Mindil markets up here, which are quite crowded and you tend to get bumped around in quite a bit. People were noticeably alarmed when they realised it was a snake, too. So you could do worse I guess.

I take my snakes out in the sun on my balcony, but only in my hands. You guys make it sound like it's easy to just walk up and pick up your snakes when they're trying to get away. On the few times I've had to do this, they slither away even faster or try and make a break for it. Even if I approach them slowly. Maybe there's some kind of art to it, or my snakes might need training :p I guess that's what I was here to find out. Maybe I just need to relax and let them do their own thing and come back to me, as most of you seem to be doing. I'm just so afraid they'll slither off because I've seen them do it before :/
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I take my snakes out in the sun on my balcony, but only in my hands. You guys make it sound like it's easy to just walk up and pick up your snakes when they're trying to get away. On the few times I've had to do this, they slither away even faster or try and make a break for it. Even if I approach them slowly. Maybe there's some kind of art to it, or my snakes might need training :p I guess that's what I was here to find out. Maybe I just need to relax and let them do their own thing and come back to me, as most of you seem to be doing. I'm just so afraid they'll slither off because I've seen them do it before :/

I find my boy is quite easy to pick up but then he tends to just freeze when I stand up near him. The first few times I took my boy onto the grass I was worried he would escape so I used to take a hook with me. If he got too far away I would hook his front and that would give me time to pick him up. But like I said he is far to busy exploring to go too far too fast. It is more like he will leisurely slither over to a branch then climb on that, then look at the grass, then climb on my lap for a bit, then look at the grass some more. Pretty relaxing for both of us.


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Well, I just took Millicent for her first 'walk', and I'm puffed! I decided to do it during the week, while most of the people in my unit complex are at work, to minimise the risk of people seeing her and freaking out. A couple of my neighbours spotted her but luckily they weren't bothered and instead called their kids to come and have a look too. She moved nice and slowly, poking her head above the p r i c kles every now and then. A stupid pigeon kept flapping about near her though and made me a bit nervous. She seemed interested in him and I don't doubt that she'd take him on as the previous owner apparently fed her a pair of the same pigeons :S She slithered around for a good 15 mins or so and kept slowly heading for the bushes bordering the lawn. I let her get pretty close before I took her back inside and she seemed a bit grumpy/edgy after that. But all in all a good experience - I'll just have to do better to avoid pigeons and bushes next time.
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I know you guys have probably seen a million photos of MDs before, but here's some shots from Millicent's second 'walk' today. She loved it :) She shed a few days ago so was extra shiny (even squeaky to touch? lol), and much more relaxed this time, too.

Does anyone know why they tend to stand up like that when they're on grass? She never does it any other time and the grass is obviously much shorter than where she's put her head.


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i had 5 snakes on the back lawn one cloudy night, the lights from the back deck were doing a wonderful job lighting the whole yard,...till we had a black out,....!!

Dont walk ur snakes at night!! (or carry a torch if you do)
i had 5 snakes on the back lawn one cloudy night, the lights from the back deck were doing a wonderful job lighting the whole yard,...till we had a black out,....!!

Dont walk ur snakes at night!! (or carry a torch if you do)

that would have been entertaining trying to catch them in the dark with out stepping on them.
lol, entertaining enough to never do it again!! :)

thats when i decided i needed an aviary,....
image.jpgSpiral, juv mac, likes coming out with me in her special pouch - to the supermarket, cafe, local break to watch " her brothers" @ surf groms, to show and tell at school, the GP office, and my Asperger's son's aspy group, where she was a huge hit with the other aspy kids and the workers and earned me the unfamiliar title of "coolest mum". Today she attended a 6 yo birthday party, and all the attendees- who met her at show and tell last week - enjoyed introducing her to their mums, who mostly now seem to have changed their 'anti, slimy, snake' attitudes for degrees of fascination and admiration . She often will enjoy a cruise on the front lawn, when its warm and sunny, and the chooks are cooped, and yes, loves to poo on the grass! And when she's done she comes over to me, climbs onto my novel, and curls up. When we are out she often curls around my wrist interlaced with bracelets or curls through my hair and along the top of my specs.
i had 5 snakes on the back lawn one cloudy night, the lights from the back deck were doing a wonderful job lighting the whole yard,...till we had a black out,....!!

Dont walk ur snakes at night!! (or carry a torch if you do)
I've been taking my snakes outside during the day so they can catch some rays, but this is a good reason for it also!
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