Tame snakes?

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Did you see the :p..........of course i dont really think she 'loves' me. But we are best friends! :lol:

Ah sorry Bel, i thought the :p was for 'I wont lie, my Bredli is my best friend :p' Because i usuaully think of :p's and other such emoticons as suffixes rather than prefixes :p and i figured you didn't have any friends and was joking about that :p.

That was a joke! Note the :p, I'm sure you do have friends. Infact i'll friend request you now so we can be friends, you're one of the saner crazy people i've conversed with on this forum! :p
It was between the 'bestfriends' & 'loves me' comment.......so i can see the confusion :p As for being one of the saner crazy people on here........no comment ;)

Oh, & yes, i DO have friends, lotsa them. But i will except your request, just cause i am nice like that! :)
I think you're just arguing semantics. I don't believe anyone here uses that word the way you would for a dog (although I've been trying to teach my Jungle to sit for a few months now). Tame on here generally refers to how amiable the animal is to handling and its likeliness to bite

I have rarely seen the word tame being used on this site and the forums i agreee with Saximus. I would say on the subject people use the term on how well an animal is when it comes to being handled?
I wonder if, in some time long ago, Ugura grunted to Brang, "You can never tame an evil creature like a cat/dog"

Remember one really important thing
Reptiles are very new as pets
Have only really been bred for colour
Seldom for handling ability

In a few hundred years I wonder if people will laugh at things like this thread as they watch their snake grab hold of its tail and then hold itself rigid while they use it as a hula hoop?
they bed potential to wittiness us whenever they impoverishment but they decide not to most of the moment.
to me, there is specified object as a adapt reptilian, yeah they can hurt you but if a protector knows there reptiles source sufficiency they should know what the limits are for there vertebrate, 'what to bag & what not to poke' sorta abstract.
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they bed potential to wittiness us whenever they impoverishment but they decide not to most of the moment.
to me, there is specified object as a adapt reptilian, yeah they can hurt you but if a protector knows there reptiles source sufficiency they should know what the limits are for there vertebrate, 'what to bag & what not to poke' sorta abstract.

That post makes no sense...
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