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Oct 9, 2014
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Hey guys,
I'm getting my first snake and was just wondering what you all think is a good base to put in my terrarium?? It is small in size and a few people have told me to use either sand or fake grass....but i'm still not sure. just need some help :D cheers
Sand can be a bit tricky when it's your 1st snake, especially if you are going to feed in the enclosure as quite a bit of sand can be injested along with the food, as you are new to keeping reptiles i would advise newspaper or kitchen paper for the 1st 6 months or so until you have your husbandry down pat and then with more experience you should be able to answer your own question, there is a lot of arguement in the herp world on what the best substrate is but in the short term you can't go past paper or paper pellets. :) ............................Ron
Sand is a bad idea. newspaper or recycled paper pelleted kitty litter is probably you two best options when starting out...
Thanks mate :D ive got newspaper in atm and he seems happy :D
Sand is super messy doesn't absorb ANYTHING and it can get smell really quick

It might not be very pretty but paper towel or newspaper is easy to clean safe and pretty cheap. In my opinion I wouldn't bother with substrate change until you're gunna make it a nice display piece or something xD
I use Chipsi in Bob's (15 year old Bredli) viv and coconut shells in with Sapphire (2 year old diamond).

Little Sapphire has a large piece of bark that she likes to sit on so I feed her on that. Both substrates are ingestable and digestible.
Bob smashes anything that's offered, he's worry free.
Sapphire is a bit fragile, she's small for a two year old so she gets special treatment :) she is also my new favourite member of the household.
Just don't tell the Chihuahua, please :)

Newspaper is fine, ugly, but fine all the same :D
As suggested, used newspaper until you have your husbandry down pat and then "upgrade" to a different substrate should you want to in say 6-12 months.
Bob was on newspaper all his life. I switched to the Chipsi 5 months ago and his scales are much more vibrant than they ever were on newspaper.
I have used Kritters Crumble for my Bredli and really like it :) absorbs smells annd moisture very well and also looks some what natural (I have a natural looking tank) , I dont feed my bredli in its tank but if you are i suggest maybe getting the fine bag but then again thats my opinion :) good luck
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