A amazingly timed pic Stompsy! Thanks for sharing
Very adorable but i'm sure that bite would hurt haha, had any luck with calming he/she down?
I was actually more amused at how disgusted my son was. He was taking pictures of her vent for me when it happened. Was rather hilarious. And anyway, she pees on my everytime without fail so I'm kinda used to it.Sorry Stompsy, I know that would have been very unpleasant, but I had to like that.
Turns out he is likely to be a she! And not really! Although she behaved herself most of the time I had her out yesterday, until she projectile pooed on myself and my son. He was not impressed and I could not stop laughing. I think I'm stuck with an angry little noodle. But, am thinking of getting another so maybe that will settle her down. Time will tell I guess.