Thawing out rats???

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Active Member
Jun 12, 2006
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Gosford, NSW

Is there any reason why you shouldn't defrost rats in warm water?? I just read in the Dolittle catalogue that it's a big no no...

Any ideas??
was reading in a forum onty the other day that it was only wrong to use boiling water... otherwise how would you get the rats warm for python? i always use hot water couple of mins before feeeding and have had no problems at all...
Paying Dolittle's prices for rodents is a big no no. Thawing rodents in warm/hot water is fine.
whats too much to pay for large adult rats? know its off topic but im paying 50 bucks for a five pack from stafford in bris....???
I never put mine in the water as apparently the water will take away quite a bit of the scent,
thats obscene, $2.50-$3 is a better price
I never put mine in the water as apparently the water will take away quite a bit of the scent,

That's untrue, their feeding response is exactly the same whether the rodent is freshly killed or thawed in water.
Cheers guys. Didn't think there was a problem. The scent issue isn't a drama for our DP. She just smashes them!!
I never put mine in the water as apparently the water will take away quite a bit of the scent,

yes it does take the scent away and some snakes prefer it, i have heard people have better luck getting stubborn snakes to feed by using washed
Yeah jords, $10 a rat is ridiculous. We get 5 for $25 down this way and I've heard that is still pricey.
another store i went into only sold them in one packs and price was even worse.... still though if its that or nothing, my baby has to eat :)
you can get rats in sydney for under $4 from Hsana on this site. Doolittle sounds like a load of .crap
I never put mine in the water as apparently the water will take away quite a bit of the scent,

Put the rat into freezer bag, drop the whole lot into hot tap water and leave it there for a few minutes. No problems...
I used to use snap-lock bags to keep the mice dry but don't bother now.
I've been defrosting mice and rats in the same water for a couple of years now (not the same water for 2 years, but together :lol: ), I haven't had a problem yet going from from one to the other with any my snakes, they smell the same.
I actually put the rat into a snap lock bag and fill that with water. Once defrosted just chuck the bag away. Couldn't be easier.
If you want to be pedantic about it you can check the water temp with a cheap aquarium thermometer that way you know you'll not overheat the rat. Washing the scent off doesn't seem to make a big difference.

On a side note I can get X-large rats (up to 750g each) for $22.50 for 5 so $10 a pop does seem a bit on the steep side. The problem with buying pet rats for feeders is that some breeders treat them with pesticides to stop them being used as food.
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