Thawing out rats???

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one extra thing i was told as well was that a wet rat is easier to swallow. a bit of lubrication.

my boy Floyd loves them wet dry. when i defrost them i change the water half way though to keep it hot otherwise floyd didnt like them (must have been to cold maybe) never use boiling water thou rats may have a ''blow out'' if you know what i mean
rats poo exploding out thier sides

i have thawing problems too

i dont know whats wrong with some of these rats but its happened twice

they get unthawed and then to body temp and when i pick the rat up poo explodes out the side of it

does anyone know why this happens and does it happen to anyone else
On a side note I can get X-large rats (up to 750g each) for $22.50 for 5 so $10 a pop does seem a bit on the steep side. The problem with buying pet rats for feeders is that some breeders treat them with pesticides to stop them being used as food.

$750 gram rats for $5.5 seems rediculously cheap. Just how close to 750 grams are they. 45.5 would.t pay for the feed they consumed, let alone starage transport and labour.
If something sounds too good to be true.....
If I need to defrost in a hurry then I put the rats in a small container and let that sit in a bowl of hot water (from the tap) but I'm only feeding pinky rats at the moment. Normally I would just put them in the container and let them thaw at room temp. I've even then put them back in the fridge if I had to go out and they still take them but my snakes are little piggies.
whats too much to pay for large adult rats? know its off topic but im paying 50 bucks for a five pack from stafford in bris....???

I was at Stafford on the weekend and know the Lady fairly well that runs the Reptile section, and we were talking about day old chicks. A 4 pack is $15, but she advised me not to buy from there as you can get them much cheaper if you look around.

I get a 10% discount there and still will not buy my food from there unless it is an emergency.

PM centralian11 (Barry), he has much cheper rats. His large rats are $3.50
I always defrost mine in water they never seem to care if it wet
I use disposable cups and always chuck them out after use
I only get my rodents from 'Barry's'.
And chicks from 'Pythoness' - $5 in a pack of 10 (50cents each =cheap!!)

As for thawing, 'food time' would be at nite. so I would put them in room temp or near the window in the morning, feed them when they are out n most active at nite...
(most of my snakes refused to eat during the day..urrgh)
$750 gram rats for $5.5 seems rediculously cheap. Just how close to 750 grams are they. 45.5 would.t pay for the feed they consumed, let alone starage transport and labour.
If something sounds too good to be true.....

I totally agree.
But, you get a lot of people breeding rats for their own collections and selling the excess stock.
Some are quite happy just to cover their feed cost with the surplus they sell.
This way they get to feed their collect for free basically with a bit of elbow grease.
So these are the sorts of people that you buy from if you can.
Obviously, if your a breeder, than your in it for the $$$
$3 - $4 will buy you a good quality rat [ 170 g ].
If your buying them for more than this, well , try to find another supplier if you can.
As for thawing, 'food time' would be at nite. so I would put them in room temp or near the window in the morning, feed them when they are out n most active at nite...

From a food hygiene point of view, that leaves loads of opportunity for bacteria to multiply. I realise snakes react differently to bacteria than mammals (humans in particular) but meat should not be left at room temp for more than 4 hours before consumption. It allows the food to sit in the 'danger period' long enough to cause all sorts of problems.

Warm water (ideally running water - restrictions aside!) allows the item to thaw in a short period of time, therefore avoiding problems with food poisoning.
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