The chat site stolen by Snarf

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The people who firstly had the op status were all people who volunteered/nominated.

It doesn't seem fair on them at all.
Real BS performance from Snarf!
Considering he said he is no longer using APS anymore why has he registered the channel Taking ops status of those ellected by SJ?
Friggin pathetic, I do hope that SJ can register another chat room and opt appropriate ops to control it.I myself will not be using the chatroom other than to display a few verbal abuses towards snarf and let him know exactly how we all feel.
(call it therapy if you will)
I doubt anyone wants to use a chatroom that is accustomed to a nazi dictatorship,meaning youd have to do as snarf wishes to be able to use the room or be banned indeffinately.But then again I guess if you can all live by the leaders rules go ahead and use the room.
As for me id rather die on my feet than live on my knees so I WILL NOT BE chatting in a room moderated by a power hungry puppeteer trying to pull every bodies strings.

I hope you get your just deserves SNARF!
choke on that cheese your always after.
I dont care if I get a grilling from Africanafishingthing, but I will say my bit.
I was in the room for a friendly chat only to see that it has been totally taken over by Snarf.
I had been in there for about 5 minutes when Snarf gave everyone in the room Ops then added " In the interest of the room" took Ops of Popp.
Then proceeded to stir Popp by saying " Dont you like that Popp"
Popp's answer was polite "I don't care"
I will admit I did swear just before I left by saying "This room f#$%ing sucks" and left
It was nice to have Ops but 1. I don't know what to do with them, 2. I believe if you are given the priviledge to have Ops then it should be done by the site owners.
I dont care if I get kicked out of this site for life for saying my bit, but if some little slack **** is going to ruin an informative chat room to make himself feel good and have power then I wont be visiting the chat room until the control of the room goes back to the site owner namely Slateman.
In my opinion if Snarf is going to abuse the trust of the owners then he should be ousted from the site.
I know that Snarf has been a member of this site longer than me and as I said I don't care if I get kicked from here.
First things first.

Number one, I set no channel mode, deopped no people at that time, Mark. That was a side effect of channel registration. I simply did not promote anyone to operator status after the channel services removed them.

As for you, Grant. If you had read what happened properly, you'd notice that I did not deop Geoff, he deopped himself, as you can see here:

23:28> snarf> Now I suppose this is in the best interests of the channel? :)
23:28> * popp sets mode: -o popp
23:29> snarf> What's the matter popp, don't wanna be a part of the snarfish dictatorship?
23:29> popp> not really no
23:29> gbskda> either do I this room *BLEEP* sucks now
23:29> * gbskda ([email protected]) has left #aussiepythonssnakes

What I find most amusing is that all of you people complaining about this were those requesting moderation in the channel. SJ neglected his moderation duties, and even failed to notice that the channel was not registered for an extended period of time. I therefore registered the channel - and hey, there's no law against registering an unregistered channel - and gave it moderation. I have since come under innumerable attacks from all quarters, which I find interesting, if not amusing. You wanted moderation, and when you get it you bitch.

I have at no time since registering this channel stopped anyone from chatting, or going about their business as any person would in a moderated channel. It seems to me what you guys really wanted was not moderation, but another thing to bitch about. One of the reasons I stated I was leaving the site.

Glad to be of service.
if you saw it..disreguard my post i have nothing to say reguarding this whole matter, i am not informed enough to pass judgement. I dont want to be a part of all this crap.
Matt was one of the nominated operators? Someone actually nominated a guy who flooded a thread with about 60 useless posts? I find that hard to believe. In an unregistered channel anyone can get operator status if they're the first to join the channel. From the look of who was opped to me (there were only two people who weren't) anyone and everyone was getting opped, not just those nominated people. As for opping the nominated people, I later did op some of them, did I not? And as I recall I was then kicked from the channel, where upon I removed operator status from all once more.

And lets look at your comment here:

"Im sure there wouldn't have been a problem if you had re opped everyone but you chose not to. "

Everyone. Precisely. Not just the nominated people, but everyone. And what you're really saying there is that you guys are bitching about having operator status removed from you. But then, I'm the only power hungry one, right?
:p Wow snarf i guess your bubble must of burst good to see that you wanted to show us that you are a very special person before you left.Bitching lol moderation & dictatorship are 2 different things.You were complained about as a moderator b4 so why is it going to be different this time look how you took control of it.You have your own chat server all you want to do is upset the applecart as you cant have your own way. :p
I was complained about when I was a moderator before? Funny, Geoff, you stuck up for me when those complaints were made last time. Do you remember why the complaints were made? I do. Because I banned people who called me a "prepubescent tosser" and Amanda a "crusty old whore" among other things. Weren't you all chanting "BAN" because Puff called someone a slut? Let's keep this all in perspective.

As for dictatorship, how is that? Because I didn't op you, Geoff? Oh, wait! I did. I forgot. And weren't you one of these nominated people who I supposedly never opped?

Oh, and as for how I took control. I registered an unregistered channel. Funny how you can do that, huh? Evil me.
:p Yeah i did stick up for you bugger knows why i did,why not just leave why register the aps chat if you dont like aps.You basically just want to stirr **** as you have made it clear that you wont be handing sj the channel back.So why do all this it seems like you are being vendictive to wards someone that i feel doesnt deserve it.Fine you dislike me but to take it out on sj thats a joke.
i tried to steer clear of this debate but eh, ya get that.....

the fact isnt that you took control of the room snarf, which was in poor taste, but that you took control and didnt re-op appointed moderators as was decided by Slateman Junior who if i stand corrected owns the site to which the chat room is affiliated. You knew he had plans for the chat room so why register it in your name, granted it was previously unregistered but i`m sure SJ planned to register it as he came into the room to create Aop's which cant be created on an unregistered room, but was unable to do so because you hopped in, registered it and buggered off again.

Not trying to bag anybody out here just thought i would point a few tit bits out there.
oh i kicked ya coz oh hell...i dunno....i thought it would be good for a laugh,

Leader of the Love the Glove Party
As I recall when I later came in I opped the attending nominated operators, did I not? And what's that about not liking you Geoff? Yesterday were we not getting along fine? I thought we were, and then today you were attacking me. Seems to me its more a problem on your side than mine.
Oh and I never stated I wasn't giving SJ control of the channel. I never stated I was either, I admit, but never stated that I would not.
Looks like some people do not appreciate all the hard work and financial support we are putting in to this community. To accuse SJ to neglect things is bit unfair. It is hard for the boy to study for half yearly exams and keep eye on everything in one time. We will nominate moderators for chat and arrange things properly in the future. Regarding people who are getting out of hands other step would have to be taken if that will not stop.
I will definitely advice people who like to pick up fights to leave our community.
chat room.

nothing like showing ones true colours.
but hey this isnt the first time in recent times..

cheers paul.
Tis a pity these squabbling threads, thou justified cannot be PM'd or directed to someone delegated to deal with them swiftly,rather than have the whole messy business on display for all and sundry to see.
This site got off to a great start from when we moved from MSN hosted pages and id hate to think how many hours the Slateman's have put in, to keep things running let alone money.
Now any guest or prospective member that logs on and see's this mess of disruptive threads will either think "I dont need this" or it will encourage more trouble makers to come out of the woodwork.
From involvment in other IRC chan's and forums, I know the signs of decline, and its happening here.
There is a huge amount of effort gone into this site and I'd hate to see it come to zip.

If I can make a suggestion, one Ive seen work before.
Make up a moderators page in the forum.
Choose a small group to make decisions in the interest of the site ONLY.
Lock it to non moderators.
Anyone with complaints PM or email a Moderator.
The problem is looked at and solved in the interest of the SITE ONLY.
But the Key is, APS SITE interests must come first.

Unless your a show pony, surely in the future these problems can be solved behind closed doors, squabbling in public just makes things drag out longer and everyone gets a sour taste in their mouth.
I will resist from giving my opinion on all this business ATM as anyone with a brain an there eyes open can work it out for themselves, but for christ sake put APS before your EGO think before you post.
If there is a problem direct it in PM to a ADMIN or MOD, and if troublemaking posts turn up the MODS should lock them on the spot.

Moderators forum already exists and as you can't see it it is for us "moderators" only.

I agree public squabbling is not good for any web site and things are being done in the background (ie via PM) to remedy the problem.

The moderators here have noted events.

Cheers Hawkeye
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