the lucky lost snake

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2006
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Now on APS there are always threads Asking about how to find an Escaped Reptile.
I no i have been one of these unfortunates. However i found my lost girl. 3 times. And once for my old snake.

Now thats 4 lost snakes that i have found again. And it just occured to me that i am either completely incompotent as a keeper :) or i am the luckiest person in the world and i thought i would share the happy news that i once again found my beloved snake:) and give hope to those that are still looking.

My 1st time (everyone loves a first time story) was about 2 years ago. We had had princess (prob not the best name for a male snake, and possibly the reason he tried to leave us) for only a few months he was a 6ft Coastal and he was mean he had this look in his eye when we went into his tank to clean or change water.... Well any way princess was in a 4ft glass tank with glass lid and due to the heat in the tank and cold out side the tank would get all humid and misty so of an afternoon my partner josh would turn the lids and basicly leave the tank open... As you can guess the lids were forgotten and when i was in the shower the next morning (All t you scary movies fans settle no snake lunched itself at me!!!) Josh calmly sick his head around the door and tells me not to be alarmed but there was a 6ft pythons somewhere in the house, i calmly replied well you had better lock the birds Outside then dear...
After a good half hour of pulling the house apart i walked past the tank and saw the box i kept the old news papers and stuff in for cleaning the tank out and i lifted the lid and yes even though i had a gut feeling he was there i screamed like a girl... Since then my dad wont sleep in my house :)

The second time was my fault i didn't shut the tank on Our new girl Athena's(MD) Tank and we spent the day at work fretting and the afternoon rythmaticly pulling the house apart and of course she was in the last place we looked which was in the spare room in the built in under a pile of handbags i never use
:) Now this amazed me that we found her since Athena was only 4 months old and well small she could curl up into a tiny ball and get into places only god would no about!!! but we found her under the Denim Bag my aunt bought me that i never used... Ever.

The third time we found her before we realised she was even lost...See i have a retarded Olive lorikeet called ... you guessed it Olive. and olive spends a lot of time screeching like something is out to get her... but never at night so at 3 am when she started screeming and Josh rolled over Hiding his head and mumbling about feeding her to the snakes when they were bigger i being totally devoted to the crazy thing jumped out of bed to talk her down like you would a junkie when the lights came on and i saw Athena poised to strike again i thought Josh can really tell the future.. However Athena was no where close enough in size to something that could eat poor old Olive so i told her she and josh would have to wait a few more years and unwound her from the Bird cage and put her back in her tank

And for a few weeks being the Army Folk we are one of us would shut out morning and night Kapooka style... My Reptiles are scure SIR...... if only i hadn't gotten bored with that little joke?

And my 4th time and possibly not my last.... was today.... yesterday when i got home josh had done a few choirs for me before leaving on the HMAS TaBroken (again) one of these was putting the new water bowl and features in Athena and diesel Our new Coastal's Tank. So i looked in and liked the new changes and did my thing till later that night i will explain 2 things now one is that i am fairly blind up close with out my glasses and fairly vague so i never noticed the 3 mm gap in the sliding glass door.... the second is that the snake tanks are in my bedroom.
So laying in bed last night looking at my snakes more about and watching tv in bed i thought they are so beautiful and i might get Athena out, then the timer kicked in lights went out and i thought eh maybe tomorrow and went to sleep.
This morning i woke up and faced my tank i saw diesel was still out on his new ladder, and praising myself for buying it for him i went to the bathroom to do what all pregnant women do in the first few months and that was hang my head over the toilet bowl and pray that i would die fast and painlessly. And then half way through i had a brain wave.... Why wasn't Athena in her usual spot this morning? and i rushed back to see where she was and noticed the tank was open...Again :oops:

So being really god at the whole missing snake thing i calmly went to the bath room to Brush my teeth and come up with a plan of attack.. So while brushing my teeth i walked around my house thinking if i was Athena were would i be?
Bedroom still? no i sleep with the dogs in there so she would prob move away from them...
I thought i will start in the spare room this time were i found her last time and work my way around the house and throw out some extra Cr@p while im at it. i went to the Bathroom and while drying my face i saw the washing basket and thought Hhhmmm.... and moving it aside and opening the door i saw the most beautiful sight... Athena all curled up behind the door so i picked her up and put her back in he nice warm tank and she went right back to her usual spot for the day.

And once again all is well in my world...
So if anyone else has some amazing Lost and Found stories please share and if you have lost a snake Dont give up hope
well, they say a picture paints a thousand words... escape-found (1).jpg

red has escaped so many times now.. gah, that is until I made his cage like fort knox!

the funny part of the picture you ask? well, I was downstairs doing something, and I see this snake on my mouse cage, and I think; "oh cool, another wild snake has come to visit!"

so I take photos, give this snake a mouse (takes it right out of my hand) and I start back up stairs.
I get to the back door and go "hang on a second! out of my hand??" check reds cage.. yep.. gone.. DOH! rush back down, grab red and stick him back in his house lol.
Recharge that is soooo funny!!! I could imagine doing that and not thinking twice about it!! :lol:

Maybe Pythonsgirl you might need to start closing lids on tanks... :lol:
That's funny!! But I'm glad you always find them!!

My 7mth old maccie decided she wanted to go exploring a little while back and I pulled the house apart (in tears) and just when my hybby was telling me to let her go she was gone... I sobbed "NO" I'm not giving up on her and I thought one last time I'd check the lounges and when I lifted the cushion here she was all curled up!! Well I grabbed her up so quick she didn't know what all the fuss was and why I was bawling my eyes out!! haha!!!

Hopefully you won't have to look for them again but at least you can stay calm when it does happen!!

Good luck with the pregnancy thing too!!! We want pics when the bub is born!

Mell :D
I moved into a new house a few weeks ago and my jungle escaped AGAIN ! She is just so damn good at it. Anyway this time I thought there is no way I'm going to find her, there are just to many damn places for her to hide, in the walls being the most likely.
Well after a couple of hours of moving furniture and boxes I had decided there was little else I could do until after dark so I went back to doing a few other things. One of those was feeding the pythons I still had, so started a few rats defrosting.
Well this girl has always been a voracious eater and on one of my trips from the sink to snake room I subconsciously weaved around something hanging from the rafters. Looking up the feeling of relief was overwhelming :) she had practically head butted me looking for dinner.
So now I've been over the entire snake room and filled any gaps with expanding foam, put a weather seal on the door and replaced the fly screen. So if, God forbid, she manages it again I won't lose hope.
It's good to know I'm not the only one with this problem :)
I couldn't be bothered reading this HUGE thread but how can you lose the same snake three times?
Did you not learn anything the first two times???

I couldn't be bothered reading this HUGE thread but how can you lose the same snake three times?
Did you not learn anything the first two times???

Of course i learnt its just after the first time i had so much fun looking for snakes in my house i thought i would do it every few months for fun.:rolleyes:

Its something that happens when you have a Job 3 snakes 2 birds 2 dogs good nows how many Rats 3 dragons and 3 horses to look after plus maintain a house...

But i wouldn't have it any other way Athena just likes to keep me on my toes... they all do...
strangly enough its only the really calm snake that gets out my Bredli Xenas tank got left open once:oops: and she couldnt be bothered leaving give Athena a 2mm gape and she gone :x

Should have read the thread there were reasons behind the leaving open of the tanks... Kinda but hay like i said im either really lucky or Incapable of keeping Athena looked away....
Maybe she just wants to be a wild Snake and im holding her back...
Maybe im a bad Mum?:shock:
I couldn't be bothered reading this HUGE thread but how can you lose the same snake three times?
Did you not learn anything the first two times???

then why bother submitting a reply? based on not knowing anything at all?
i have two escape stories, well not actually escape but similar,
first occured while using the computer for work, had my coastal draped over my shoulders giving me a great massage as he does... while being over obsorbed in my work i got up toget a drink when i noticed something missing... it took a moment to realise what was missing... the damn snake!! started looking every where only to find him 10 minutes later curled up in the computer table drawer, that was still closed !
the second time was while watching a movie with the same snake on the shoulders again, realised he felt a little light so went to readjust him only to find his head and 2 thirds his body burried deep within the lounge. as i went to gently remove him he casualy pulled the rest of himself into the frame work of the lounges arm rest. i put the lounge on end and i could just see him but could not reach him... it was so frustrating it was not funny!! it took over an hour to get him out... the cheeky devil he is!!
Alright I read it ALL and I'll admit, it was funny.
I'm sorry I was too critical at first, just seemed stupid to be bragging (for so long) about repeatedly losing a snake. But I suppose on the other hand you are getting VERY GOOD at finding lost snakes!
ill keep it short and sweet ... twice one IN the printer and once behind a picture frame hanging on the wall !
HAHA Mase - I hadn't realised how big my girl had gottne once and she as mostly on my shoulders and stuck her head in the printer. I FREAKED and my boyfriend came running with his handy screwdriver and just as we were about to pull out the last piece ( I had been holding her so she didn't go all the way in) she got bored and casually backed out.

Also once she was climbing this temporary shad pagola we have over the tinny out the back and I didnt realise that there are no caps over the poles at the top! A friend of mine was with me holding the other python and swears she lookd at Grace and could see her head and then when we looked back no more then a minute later 2 thirds of her body was gone. And I thought she was safe from birds and escaping up there :oops: Anyway that involved two very inept unhandy women taking apart one of the legs and taking turns holding the remaining third of her body. Turns out once we removed the bottom and shone a torch up there she had gotten a fair way down and then decided to turn around to get back out instead of sliding backard. Thats my dopey girl! So many nervous giggles and reassurances about how flexible snakes are and half an hour later Grace as back in her cage completely unfased while her mum had a stiff drink!

Good luck with the baby!
My kids accidently left the lid of our enclosure one night and thankfully the snake was still in there in the morning....
Never lost our 2 MD's Boof and Emdee ever. Our enclosure must be really secure. But I'm always a tad paro. Keep telling Dave to check and recheck. Just moved em into another room for the cooling off factor, but they must like it there as well. Still no escapees! Thank goodness! Cheers Cheryl
Never lost our 2 MD's Boof and Emdee ever. Our enclosure must be really secure. But I'm always a tad paro. Keep telling Dave to check and recheck. Just moved em into another room for the cooling off factor, but they must like it there as well. Still no escapees! Thank goodness! Cheers Cheryl

Lucky you i have been a little on edge since yesterday keep checking and rechecking then this morning i could not see my Bredli and i thought no way not again but her cage was closed up and when i looked in she had gotten under the log in the tank and blended in so well i could see her
Xena's not into escape though i have her tank open a bit while im in the house or cleaning her house and she just hangs around she no's a good thing and isnt willing to miss a meal :)
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