There once was a herper named bil who had a belly button & 10 toes and created nice venomoids which carpet snake for a pet this carpet snake pet was a rare, beautiful albino carpet that was a 6ft male mentally disdurbed and was continually making babies with hypo females eating poor children who walked biting him on the crutch it tore his blue jeans and ate only extremely rare dwarf girraffes with 3 legs rodents from a far away and down the hill and liked to sit on holy cow batman i smell a rodent that has pooped then proceeding to eat the Prime minister of Australia it spat out the eyebrows because he got a hair ball in his left tooth next to the ear he didnt digest Which was a pain in the left nostril which shot down to the rear end of a cow rectum and went pink with happiness cause it suvived the ordeal that caused so much peoples posts growing so in the end he Ran outside naked, shouting "YOU Are The Love Of My post natal depression class" and proceeded to butcher an elephant with a blunt pocket knife and a silver serving spoon Yum Yum he said as he slurped up that elephant with a straw and 6 dogs by his side helping to hold the elephants oversized "trunk" down so they could eat and then practice Their Elephant eating happy dance keep the next door neibours Entertained by inviting them to eat our elephants with Tomato sauce, salad, beer and Frogs toe nails with ant eater's rectum plates the neighbours attacked this with A fire hose so we scoop the pinky goodness from the elephants ear holes And serve it on top of elephant rectum piles with Haemorrhoid cream lashings. They all Ate this with gusto and presto you have dinner prepared Now time for sweets. Hairy Jamie Oliver couldn't have done better, however his dad said "Jamie, you're a total and utter idiot but than again you are my illegitamate son A love child from the sorry no your adopted by several of your best and favourite uncle Arnie Schwarzenegger who once had an afair With your mothers sisters friends and there are lotsof em but she is really ur sister, go kill her now and use her organs as bagpipes, shoelaces, or feed lizards Oh yes jamie said and make sure the lizards dont poop and make a big complete copy of your sister, so she can also see how badly weve been treating her and so your mother can stop seeing arnold scharzanegger and start seeing Danny Devito!
then axe murder him at night to create some aweful mess and then do something else Like go and make a prize winning banana cake for Ur lovely brother who won a stuffed blackeyed bullterrier toy by winning a farting contest spikey, with rusty nails protruding. with nasty green stains on their fabric outer layer, so run away! RUN AWAY! cried the nymphomaniac sales woman while waving a white, small rabbit to scare off the horny teenages buying toys in an arabian flee market to help with the revenge of the nerds, entering from the latest craze on wheels called Wonky Woozer Wheelers Zoom Juice gets you very very high while at the same time frying your brain into little pieces of fried and gross chicken, which makes you dumb and turns your world into Lots of little shiny diamonds with arms and legs like gremlins with no eye balls and painted on ears and hooks for hands with red nobbly bits that are used for catchin fish in the sewage ponds out the back which are also held by hobbits with ropes and chains who were hired by a Large french maid who liked the merry go round so cleaning in various nooks, crannies much she wore frocks that could turn a blind eye To wear contact lenses! that hurt everytime you put drops of liquid from a bottle that you probably shouldn't have been used as it burns through anything at all except a little thing called JohnHoward who is hard pressed running the country because of the whiskey he drunk labelled "Growth Retardant" I thought it said " Kill Ill kill thine self with Five more rounds of this pathetic little thread "Nooooooo" He cried, "not if you're a bored kiwi"
But then he realised Isk is the greatest IsK ever. Even if slightly arrogant and is now leaving this thread. Because he Just smelt something in his bowl of porridge that he knew came from the orifice of the large elephant that just ate Thai food and a mixture of lentils, mung beans and curry puffs, which were very much like an aphrodesiac that worked in reverse and gave him super powers and then he blew up his doll which was used for hunting
There once was a herper named bil who had a belly button & 10 toes and created nice venomoids which carpet snake for a pet this carpet snake pet was a rare, beautiful albino carpet that was a 6ft male mentally disdurbed and was continually making babies with hypo females eating poor children who walked biting him on the crutch it tore his blue jeans and ate only extremely rare dwarf girraffes with 3 legs rodents from a far away and down the hill and liked to sit on holy cow batman i smell a rodent that has pooped then proceeding to eat the Prime minister of Australia it spat out the eyebrows because he got a hair ball in his left tooth next to the ear he didnt digest Which was a pain in the left nostril which shot down to the rear end of a cow rectum and went pink with happiness cause it suvived the ordeal that caused so much peoples posts growing so in the end he Ran outside naked, shouting "YOU Are The Love Of My post natal depression class" and proceeded to butcher an elephant with a blunt pocket knife and a silver serving spoon Yum Yum he said as he slurped up that elephant with a straw and 6 dogs by his side helping to hold the elephants oversized "trunk" down so they could eat and then practice Their Elephant eating happy dance keep the next door neibours Entertained by inviting them to eat our elephants with Tomato sauce, salad, beer and Frogs toe nails with ant eater's rectum plates the neighbours attacked this with A fire hose so we scoop the pinky goodness from the elephants ear holes And serve it on top of elephant rectum piles with Haemorrhoid cream lashings. They all Ate this with gusto and presto you have dinner prepared Now time for sweets. Hairy Jamie Oliver couldn't have done better, however his dad said "Jamie, you're a total and utter idiot but than again you are my illegitamate son A love child from the sorry no your adopted by several of your best and favourite uncle Arnie Schwarzenegger who once had an afair With your mothers sisters friends and there are lotsof em but she is really ur sister, go kill her now and use her organs as bagpipes, shoelaces, or feed lizards Oh yes jamie said and make sure the lizards dont poop and make a big complete copy of your sister, so she can also see how badly weve been treating her and so your mother can stop seeing arnold scharzanegger and start seeing Danny Devito!
then axe murder him at night to create some aweful mess and then do something else Like go and make a prize winning banana cake for Ur lovely brother who won a stuffed blackeyed bullterrier toy by winning a farting contest spikey, with rusty nails protruding. with nasty green stains on their fabric outer layer, so run away! RUN AWAY! cried the nymphomaniac sales woman while waving a white, small rabbit to scare off the horny teenages buying toys in an arabian flee market to help with the revenge of the nerds, entering from the latest craze on wheels called Wonky Woozer Wheelers Zoom Juice gets you very very high while at the same time frying your brain into little pieces of fried and gross chicken, which makes you dumb and turns your world into Lots of little shiny diamonds with arms and legs like gremlins with no eye balls and painted on ears and hooks for hands with red nobbly bits that are used for catchin fish in the sewage ponds out the back which are also held by hobbits with ropes and chains who were hired by a Large french maid who liked the merry go round so cleaning in various nooks, crannies much she wore frocks that could turn a blind eye To wear contact lenses! that hurt everytime you put drops of liquid from a bottle that you probably shouldn't have been used as it burns through anything at all except a little thing called JohnHoward who is hard pressed running the country because of the whiskey he drunk labelled "Growth Retardant" I thought it said " Kill Ill kill thine self with Five more rounds of this pathetic little thread "Nooooooo" He cried, "not if you're a bored kiwi"
But then he realised Isk is the greatest IsK ever. Even if slightly arrogant and is now leaving this thread. Because he Just smelt something in his bowl of porridge that he knew came from the orifice of the large elephant that just ate Thai food and a mixture of lentils, mung beans and curry puffs, which were very much like an aphrodesiac that worked in reverse and gave him super powers and then he blew up his doll which was used for hunting