UGH! Really really really ticked off now :evil: A cupboard fell over in the shed and has literally crushed ALL my rat tubs that I just setup!!!! So now all the females are crammed into one cage and the males crammed into another. And best of all someone goes and get drunk and finds it to be a good idea to drive and then they lose their licence and our car grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
So now I some how have to get to Bunnings to buy more tubs without a car. How the hell am I suppossed to get there?????? Best of all I have a pregnant female rat who is about to pop. And I just spent all my money re-stocking animal food! I can't afford any tubs and miss-go-get-drunk-and-drive doesn't even care enough to lend me $8 to get 1 tub!...UGH!!!!!!!!!! I'm in worst situation....I have a spare plastic drawer set but the tubs are only 15litre, way too small for rats
Rant over, thanks for listening