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Very Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2011
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My house in QLD
After a little brotherly sisterly 'tiff' between my brother over our pets names i started did you pick your pets name/s? As most of you know, i have a bredli, whom i named Matilda. Now, of course, i really like her name, & i picked it as 'waltz sing matilda' popped into my mind when thinking that she is from the middle of australia. :| weird? maybe......but anywho, thats how i think! The other pets name he finds to be 'stupid' is my little maltese x shi tzu, he was named already, i got him as a recue, & his name is Bruce (the lady i got him from was a bruce lee fan) Anyway, not only did i not want to confuse him, i think Bruce suits him, he is small, but he thinks he is a doberman! & Bruce is a 'tough' kinda name. He also doesnt like the fact that up until just recently, all my pets names start with the letter 'b'. Our new kitten, & my bredli being the exception, ive now changed to 'm'. :lol: By the way......this all coming from someone who has 2 coastals, named big snake & little snake, oscars named blacky & whitey & a shark.....named shark! :rolleyes:

So how much attention do you pay when you name your pets, do you think it out, like me, or like my brother, just go for the obvious!
Sometimes I dont even name a pet.. Depends on the situation. Usually its whatever pops into my head at that particular time, making some of the names a little odd or unrelated haha.. But it would be different for all people I would say. I know of people that have way to many animals to name so its just 'coastal #1 - #100' and people who just don't name them at all. Half my animals are named, and they are the ones I sort of started out with.. Now when I get a new pet I wait and usually someone else names it for me cause I haven't come around to give it one...
My dog is named Bruce too and he is also little, a miniature pinscher :lol:.

Never named any of my snakes, was hard enough settling on my dogs name and it was more of a joke that stuck. Usually go for the obvious though and name them something by appearance for example my previous dog was Sox because he was black with white feet, and we had a cat named Batman cause he had a black patch on his face like the Batman symbol lol.
Well my knobtail gecko is named stumpy for obvious reasons, and one of my pink tongues is named rex as rex is a common dogs name and he digs like a dog? lol
My snake is named bazil because, well I honestly have no idea why he has such a stupid name.
And my other pink tongue is still unnamed after over 3 months...
Herpsrule.....really? I honestly couldnt think of having a pet & not naming it! To me, that would be like not naming my children! Each to their own though, & that was really the point i was trying to make with my brother, i couldnt care less what he names his pets, but he seems to like pointing out that my pets have 'stupid' names, & it bugs me! I just wanted to know if i really am odd or if other people also enjoy taking time to think of a name. I went with the letter 'b' cause it was easy for me to remember, i have alot of pets, hence why i had to change letters! :lol:

Well my knobtail gecko is named stumpy for obvious reasons, and one of my pink tongues is named rex as rex is a common dogs name and he digs like a dog? lol
My snake is named bazil because, well I honestly have no idea why he has such a stupid name.
And my other pink tongue is still unnamed after over 3 months...

I think rex & basil are great names! Stumpy is also cute, although obvious, but your pink tounge needs a name! (is it a girl? how about miss piggy?:lol:)
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the right name comes along eventually, im no longer in a rush to name my animals on the first day, first beardies were named before purchasing (godzilla (bf's choice) and jub jub (mine) and both had name changes when the chosen names didnt suit,....godzilla became Boo, and jub jub became Chubby.

i had my shingles for over 6 months before they all had suitable names, (Bubby (named on the first day), Rex, Odie and Snoozy (fob this year, so 8 months of having her)) i still have an unnamed diamond (almost had him for 2 years) and 2 goldentails that nothing suitable has come along fro,...

Bella my female diamond was nameless for over a year too,....

Loki is the norse god of mischief, and totally suited my first bredli after he escaped on the first night, (one of the quicker namings) Nut and Ra my jungles took a few months to name, their psychoness helped with those names,..

frog has probably been stuck with buddy after a year of not finding a name, buddy seems to suit,...or im used to it,..

so yeah, i dont look for names, the right name will come along eventually,....
All my pets have names, even my lacy patient.

Abony and Opals are my intergrades. Their names just popped up when I did an anagram of 'black and white carpet python'.

Joe and Rocky are my bredli's named after their founder Joe 'Rocky' Bredl.

Charlie is a Darwin python after Charles Darwin.

Zan is short for Tarzan for my jungle boy, and I have Miss Jane as his partner.

My olives - Stella is latin for Katherine where she came from; Marlow is a name of a lagoon in Katherine. I don't have my olives anymore but I still miss them so will include them.

Ricky is my lacy patient - He lives in Richardsons Crossing.

Tara - has a 'tiara' shaped pattern on her head.

Henry was Hannah - love the name Hannah but needed a name change when I realised she was he.

And my daughter named our GTP Sierra and baby intergrade Basil.

I just acquired a new intergrade boy I think I'll call Jimmy. He previous owner's name is Jamie.

Had a BHP named Acknee.

And my bredli pair I lost last year :( , Rufus - Latin for red; and Lara - street name in Alice Springs where the bredl's are commonly seen in wild.
Chris1......they are some great names. Thats my point, even if the 'right' name doesnt come to you straight away, you still put in the effort thinking about it. Going with the one letter helped me name all my pets the same day of getting them, & their names imo really suit them.

Kathy, i love all those names! Thank you, its good to know im not alone, everything breathing in my home also has a name.......okay so my partner breeds fish, & naming them all is a little hard, but all the fish we keep, i name!
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Some of mine have names others don't... The ones that will respond to a name/sound get one... the ones that won't may or may not.

Only one of my jungles is named, he's called greyham the other is simply known as JCP to give you an idea. I also have Knobtail 1.0 and Knobtail 2.0 (in saying that one knobtail is called anzac as he hatched on anzac day).
Err i'm a-bit slack with names so i've settled with "the big one" & "the small one"
Err i'm a-bit slack with names so i've settled with "the big one" & "the small one"

Michael is that you? :lol: LOL I wouldnt call you slack, as i said, each to their own, & what works for you is fine. I personally just enjoy the naming part, sometimes its the only 'fun' you have for awhile (my son was a terrible baby, screamed constantly, after naming him my next happy moment may not be until he leaves home! ;))
My EWD was Villain but she became Rogue when I found out she was not male, still waiting for Villain, those names were chosen long before I ever had water dragons.
My sons CND's are Asterix and Obelix because ones little and the others big
My Darwin Het male is Smij (searched for that for a long time and it really suits him) which is Lithuaniun for dragon/serppent,
my Albino is Khaleesi for Game of Thrones,
my other het female is yet unnamed as I can't fin a suitable name yet.
My womas are Giggle for the male, as he makes me giggle and Squiggle for the female as she is not as easy to handle and it rhymes with giggle,
my Gammon Ranges carpet is as yet unnamed,
my dogs are Piglet because she has a pig tail, her son was puppy up until a month ago (he's about 3) when my son decided on Basil as he looks like basil brush, my Bull Arab x Bull Mastiff is called Kaeleb because I always wanted to call something that,
my rat was called Ezekial or Zeke for the same reason as Kaeleb,
my budgies are the birds,
I had a siamese fighting fish called Hank because it's a stupid name for a fish
my GWD is as yet unnamed as sex is unknown.
My spotted pythons were named by my ex and are Cloak female, Dagger male,
my beardies are King Ghedorah from godzilla and Ghinchiyo which is from a game Samurai Warriors.
The cat has had three name changes, Caramel first, then Katty now Killda (as in Elmer Fudd kill da wabbit)
When I get frillies they will be called Vlad and Drusilla because the look like little vampires
My older dog that died in June was Jezta as he was a little clown and I love jesters
I hate when people call a dog fluffy. i much rather real names. and if you can get a little humor out of it at the same time even better. I rekon bruce is a awesome name.
most of mine are named..

cuddles - wether you get one is optional but if you bug her something will grab onto you
theo - came with that name
cadbury - looks like caramello
kaa- jungle
charlie - and the chocolate factory..
lafayette and tara - true blood fetish..
norbet - what else can i call my first monitor!
valentine - i got her as my present
cupid - valentines other half
lil jungle
homer the woma
natiri - friends kids named her
tiger- got the stripes
fluffy - cute ones bite
peanut - runs like a crazy nut
puff and penelopy - popular dragons
squiggles - covered in them
stumpy jr

think thats it...
yoda my beardie got his because he looks wise
Keiko my stimmie got hers because she is absolutely freaking amazing and i love japanese stuff and names
wizard my baby beardie got his coz it rhymes with lizard
Most of the time mine get names that amuse me, or I name them after characters from books/shows that I like. And some are just names I like.

My big diamond is Marilyn (Monroe) because diamonds are a girls best friend.
My blue tongue is Binky because he was so tiny when i got him.
My woma is Baby because he's just the nicest snake. He's a big baby.
One of my beardies, Elbirroh Rotcod, is just Doctor Horrible backwards.
And my goldentails are collectively known as Harry at the moment, because I like to tell them they are lizards. Yer a lizard, Harry!

Yup. I'm an idiot.
Nothing as unique as your names Bel sometimes takes a few days the name has to suit the snake such as cheyenne for my jungle or I call them after a neice or nephew like a pair of my bredli
They just turn up for me. A couple of examples are my childreni female, Dot, because the first thing I said when I saw her was "what a gorgeous wee dot!" and it just stuck. Then there's Brady, one of our Beardies. If you threw her into a Brady Bunch set you wouldn't see her, she just looks like 1960's decor with orange, beige and brown. I don't really think about it to tell you the truth. Oh and Lurch, my daughter's bluetongue. I just love the Addams Family's Lurch face on him, so that kind of stuck too, although my girl calls him 'Lurchie' lol.
Naming animals is AGONY for me... I take aaaaaaaages... Here are the ones in our family that have needed names (all others were pre-named: Storm, Mandy, Holly,

Coby; my previous cat, he was a softie that needed a soft name. Don't remember how I came about it.
Indy; My current cat, she was "no name" for about 5 days, then the Indy500 was on TV and that was her name.
Bronson; Mum loved the name for her cat. He's now 7.5kgs (tall ang BIG) so it suits him well!
Moose; had it in my head but disregarded it as I thought other people would give me grief for it, until my brother suggested it and well, that stuck!
Hydra; My brother's Coastal (meaning - if I remember correctly, a 2 headed serpent)
Rapture; My partners Bredli (meaning the beginning of the end of times)

George; My entire fish collection. All of them are called George :p
the Kids named the stimson 'Bart'
'Bruce' the bredli, after the shark in finding nemo
the GF called my woma 'fluffy'
'Korak' the jungle, parents were tarzan and jane
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