tip of tail not healing

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Jan 17, 2014
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My jungle python buddy is about a year and a half old and has had a problem with shedding the tip I always got it off fine but in the last month a bit stuck and I just couldn't get it off I got her into the vet at the end of the week having seen him the week b4 and he cut the tip off I applied iodine to the tip dayily for a week and it wasn't healing it seemed to be spreading she shed last nite and I gave her a warm bath to soak her tail then proceeded to get the rest of the shed off the tip she yanked it off also removing another 5mm of her tail and the flesh at the end was bleeding a little and fresh since the problem started I have kept the tank very clean I replaced the substrate with newspaper to minimize chance of infection, she wouldnt eat for 3.5 weeks until last week what else can I do? How can I get it to heal? Plz help!
Wow , that seems a bit drastic
we took possession of a jungle last year that had multiple layers of retained shed , 3 months of warm water sprays paw paw cream rubs and lots of time in a hessian bag after these applications we have a single skin snake .

as for helping I am not sure what to do .
Really? They cut the tail tip off just cause sheds were sticking to it and you couldn't get it off?

Did you even try bathing it, or soaking the tip. Maybe use vasoline or something next time. Just cutting it off cause its being stubborn is a little too far.
Really? They cut the tail tip off just cause sheds were sticking to it and you couldn't get it off?

Did you even try bathing it, or soaking the tip. Maybe use vasoline or something next time. Just cutting it off cause its being stubborn is a little too far.

No it would of been cut off because the stuck shed tightened around the tail tip causing the tip to die off.
Oh okay... I just got the image of somone cutting off a healthy tail. Haha my bad!
I've seen a fair few snakes with tail tips lost due to adhered sloughs. I've heard of a few people amputating just anterior of the dead section, which at least in all the cases I know of made things worse, the dead area spreading like you're seeing. Better to just get all the skin off and let it take care of itself, at least based on what I've seen. Sometimes even the ones which have been left alone have the necrosis spread a little. As for what to do now, I'd suggest just leaving it alone. When you mess with things it usually just makes things worse.

Good luck.
Snake flesh takes ages to heal, all you can really do is provide the warmest, dryest, cleanest environment you can. The wound will scab over eventually and you will really only begin to see results with each successive shed. A warm diluted betadine/F10 bath every now and again won't go astray in keeping it clean, however don't leave the python in the water too long or the scab will soften to the point where it will be easily ripped off and the process will start over again.
Correct it had tightened over the area causing tip to die, it was about 4 mil of the tip and had spread/ was dead skin on the bottom for another 3mm, he cut the tip then sorta skimmed the scales back a bit more on the bottom think that's the bit extra she lost hopefully can heal right now wishing he had of just taken it back to the healthy flesh so it could have healed right the first time not that I'm not devastated about her losing some of her beautiful tail but the day b4 she shed that dead bit she started whacking her tail on a rock in her tank trying to get it off early and I'm thinking she may have broken her tail it's slightly kinked 1cm above amputation :(
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