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Not so new Member
May 14, 2009
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Hey all

probably a silly question, but it's concern enough to ask...I have a 5 yr old male and 4 yr old female diamonds that have lived together for the past 12 months or more. Today I decided to separate them on a 4 day in/4 day out schedule to hopefully entice a breeding response.

The problem is since I separated them, they have both been pacing their enclosures with noses rubbing along the glass looking rather stressed.

My question is are they stressed being apart like this all of a sudden and if so do you think I should put them back together again, as the thought of them stressing out to the point of getting sick really worries me, especially with the male as he has had RSI on two separate occasions and since being with the female I have had no further problems with him.

Any help would be muchly appreciated.

put him back in the enclosure and see if they still pace...
what sort of enclosures are they in?
Also did you cool them (him)? that will also entice the breeding response? (correct me if im wrong)
Where are you located,are they keeped inside or outside.Im not having a go at you,but their seems to be alot of ppl that keep 2 snakes together all year round.Just remember in the wild they only come together at breeding times,or the odd occasion they cross paths.
Thanks for the response guys...

they are inside and in 6 foot long enclosures each.

They are getting cooled at the moment and this is why I'm separating them as there doesn't seem to be any action between them. I'm hoping by separating them I can get some action, but it was a little concerning as soon as they were separated they started pacing their enclosures, usually they are very settled and have never seen them do this before.

I know in the wild they are solitary animals, but I'm wondering if after spending some time with one another that they may become dependent on one another? Any experience or thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Thanks again...

They should be cooling down through this time of the year.Not sure where abouts you are but i put mine together around september for breeding.I used to stop feeding around the end of may.
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