I don't beleive in putting the toads through pain.
But they are not getting a pat on the head, and a "off you go" to kill everything that is unfortunate enough try to eat it, and then it eat everything else Like a cute little native frog not to mention taking over the native breeding grounds and compition for their food..
:lol: :lol: So to all the goodie goodies up ya bum. :lol: :lol:
(In the nicest non hostile way I can mention)
Q. How would you feel if your child came in the house crying cause he/she has handled a toad and then rubbed their eyes.
A. would you feel like killing the toads in your yard.
B. Moving the toads and letting them multiply further
C. Say well done toad I love you, and pat it on the head, and then rub your eyes
How about a pet being sick or dieing like our native animals.
Do you kill cockroaches. Spiders etc?
I personally will remove a poor Hunsman spider rather than kill it like 80% of people.
I do not kill these pests for fun. But I could not let one go and let it do what it does bust.
Sorry guys ...... but I gotta say