torn eye scale ?

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Active Member
Aug 6, 2009
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Central Coast NSW
hey guys, my 5 mth carpet recently had a blue with a peice of sticky tape and it appears that he has damaged or even torn his protective eye scale.

will he be prone to infection in his eye or anything like that? and should i keep him away from anything like dirt or water spray ect??

thankyou, sara
Go minimalist on the enclosure. Obviously keep it away from dirt etc, and just keep an eye on it to make sure it isnt getting infected or anything.

All the best with it
why is it that no matter how many times it is said people sitll manage to get sticky tape near there snakes
accidents happen. it should heal fine, will take time, and yeah enclosure as sterile as possible. and i'd be watching the eye like a hawk, eyes are not somethign to fool around with they can get very bad very quickly.
if its not bad enough that you think you dont need to take it to a vet, a good safe bacterial cleaner is some colloidal silver mixed with water in a spray bottle and misted on the eye will keep it clean and fairly sterile. You can get the colloidal silver from health food stores or some chemists. Mix it 1/4 cup silver to half litre water. If you have got dirt on the eye u can try and clean it with the silver by itself and cotton wool, soak/swabb it off. Hope it all goes well.
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