Torn shed skin

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2010
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I was giving my young jcp a soak because she is in shed and she jumped out of my hands and hid up inside the washing machine..

Anyway after 3/4 of an hour i got her out with a hook and some water but some of her slough has now started to tear away half way down her body and is just hanging.

Should i let her shed from her head as normal and she will work it out or is the whole thing up to me now?
keep a close eye on her, just in case. maybe next time just put a large water dish in her tank and let her bath herself if she wants to, i've never bathed any of mine and never had a problem (touch wood) but they all have access to large water containers,

I dont understand why people bath their snakes on a regular basis unless they have have mites or shedding problems due to injury eg:burns,
I dont understand why people bath their snakes on a regular basis unless they have have mites or shedding problems due to injury eg:burns,
its like a new fad / or a must do thing , theres no need for bathing or even misting if your husbandry is right .
I dont understand why people bath their snakes on a regular basis unless they have have mites or shedding problems due to injury eg:burns,

OR unless 2 live together and have a bath between feeding and being put back in the same enclosure,....
or a rat pops
or theyre slimey from eating chicken necks,...
or theyve been sliding thru poo,...
A good case for LEAVING THEM ALONE during the shed cycle. Bathing... pffft! The problem may be that if the skin has more than a couple of days to go before the snake removes it, tearing the old skin can lead to permanent scarring of the developing new layer underneath. THIS IS WHY SNAKES USUALLY REMAIN SECRETIVE AND INACTIVE DURING THE OPAQUE CYCLE, AND WHY MANY ARE RELUCTANT TO FEED - THEY DON'T WANT TO DAMAGE THE DEVELOPING SKIN UNDER THE OLD ONE.

They're not dogs, or cats... they don't need bathing.

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